
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 18 Mar 2020

Following the Rector Regulation concerning the prevention of COVID-19, online learning for all courses has been carried out at President University.

In practice, online learning is flexible. This means that online learning can be carried out by any method, anywhere, anytime, and can follow the existing in-person class schedules or new schedules agreed both by the lecturers and students.

Coordinator of Online Campus, eCampus President University, Ronny Juwono, M.T., revealed that an online learning platform has been provided by President University to facilitate online classes. “eCampus President University has been long prepared for facilitating online classes. Even previously, there were several lecturers who have applied online learning in their classes. There will be more users at this time because all in-person classes are transferred to online classes,” said Ronny.

Rony explained that its utilization is quite easy, students only need to log in by using their username and password on the page To enroll in a class, the students can insert the enrollment key that they acquire from their lecturer on that specific course. "If they have been enrolled in the class, the students and the lecturer can directly conduct their classes while using the features set up by the lecturer. Some of the features are Assignment, Quiz, Chat, even Video Conference," he said.

Even though eCampus has been prepared for the lecturers to use, President University allows lecturers to utilize other online applications that they feel more compatible with their necessities and preferences. "Whichever the application is, if the lecturers and students find any difficulties during their online learning experience, the eCampus team of President University will be more than glad to give them assistance. Any inquiries may be sent to," Rony explained.


The eCampus team will frequently suggest alternative online applications for the lecturers and the students, one of them is Webex, an online application by Cisco that supports the video conference feature. "The aim is so that the students and the lecturers can carry out learning processes smoothly," closed Ronny.

Online learning method is not only applied to replace in-class learning activities. Practical activities, thesis consultation, even thesis defense can be conducted online. (SL/APW)



eCampus President University untuk Pembelajaran Daring Mahasiswa President University


Menindaklanjuti Peraturan Rektor terkait pencegahan COVID-19, pembelajaran daring untuk semua mata kuliah telah berlangsung di President University.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, pembelajaran daring ini bersifat fleksibel. Artinya dapat dilaksanakan dengan metode apa saja, di mana saja, kapan saja, dan dapat mengikuti jadwal kelas tatap muka yang telah ada maupun jadwal yang disepakati dosen dan mahasiswa bersangkutan.

Koordinator Kampus Daring, eCampus President University, Ronny Juwono, M.T., mengungkapkan bahwa sebuah platform pembelajaran daring milik President University telah disediakan untuk menfasilitasi pembelajaran daring. “eCampus President University telah lama kami persiapkan untuk memfasilitasi perkuliahan daring. Karena sebelumnya, sudah ada beberapa dosen yang menerapkan metode pembelajaran daring di mata kuliahnya. Kali ini penggunanya akan lebih banyak, karena semua kelas tatap muka dialihkan ke kelas daring,” ujar Ronny.

Ronny menjelaskan bahwa penggunaannya cukup mudah, mahasiswa hanya perlu memasukkan username dan password pada laman Untuk masuk ke kelas tertentu, mahasiswa dapat memasukkan enrollment key yang didapat dari dosen pengampu mata kuliah tersebut. “Jika sudah terdaftar dalam kelas, mahasiswa dan dosen dapat langsung melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar sesuai dengan fitur yang telah dirancang oleh dosen. Ada fitur Tugas. Quiz, Chat, hingga Video Conference,” jelasnya.

Meski eCampus telah dipersiapkan, President University memberi kebebasan bagi dosen untuk menggunakan aplikasi daring lain yang dirasa lebih sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensinya. “Apapun aplikasinya, jika dosen atau mahasiswa menemui kendala dalam proses pembelajaran daring, tim eCampus akan dengan senang hati membantu. Pertanyaan dapat disampaikan melalui email,” pungkas Ronny.

Tim eCampus sendiri akan secara berkala memberikan beberapa petunjuk penggunaan alternatif apliksi daring lainnya bagi para dosen dan mahasiswa, salah satunya Webex, aplikasi daring milik Cisco yang mendukung fitur video conference. “Tujuannya hanya satu, supaya mahasiswa dan dosen dapat tetap melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar dengan lancar,” tutup Ronny.

Metode daring tidak hanya diterapkan untuk proses belajar mengajar di kelas. Kegiatan praktikum, bimbingan tugas akhir, bahkan sidang skripsi juga dilaksanakan secara daring. (SL)