
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 24 Jan 2020

In the learning process, theory and practice go hand in hand. Practicing theory through projects is not only useful as an opportunity to explore the knowledge deeply, but also as a portfolio for applying for jobs and universities scholarships abroad. This was revealed by Pheseline Felim, an alumna of Communications President University batch 2013 who is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Strategic Communications Management at Monash University, Australia. Monash University is ranked in the top one percent of world universities.

Pheseline won the Australia Award Scholarships (AAS), a prestigious scholarship from the Australian Government. The AAS program in Indonesia has been supported by the Australian government for more than 60 years. Many AAS graduates get leadership positions and initiate change in developing Indonesia.

Failed in the first try of AAS application did not make Pheseline give up. She remained calm and came back with better preparation in April 2019.

“For me, becoming Australia Awards Awardee is unexpected because I thought I would only get the “unfortunately” email after going through the second selection step. Surprisingly, one of my dreams, obtaining a scholarship comes true,” Pheseline said as she described the process of achieving AAS after trying to apply for the second time.

She chose Australia to continue her studies because she believed that it was the best country to learn Communications. She said, “I know that Australia is a good choice to pursue my graduate degree. Many lecturers at President University, especially in Communication Studies as well as my colleagues, were graduated from Australia. They have proven skills and careers in the industry."

Pheseline who previously worked at the Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) - the leading integrated, resource-based industrial groups in the Asia Pacific, with businesses in paper, palm oil, construction, and energy- as Corporate Communications and PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk as a Brand Marketing revealed that learning experience with hands-on work practices in President University has helped her in the applying process for job and graduate scholarships.

"While studying at President University, I didn’t learn about theory only. As the learning process, I had a chance to conduct PR events or campaigns that could be a good portfolio to apply for jobs and AAS scholarships,” she said.

Closing the story of her career and education journey, Pheseline shared her life principle, "persistence never betrays". "To achieve a good result is not instant. Many processes must be gone through and it is very natural to fail. Failure is a process of learning and improving. It is important to continue to complete the process effectively, efficiently and focus on the goal. The point is knowing what you want to achieve and don't give up," she concluded.

Pheseline hopes that her persistence can inspire many people not to give up and continue to actively add their practical learning process as the portfolio while studying in the university to make it easier to find a job and apply for scholarships. (SL/PUMA Communications)



Pheseline Felim, Alumni President University Peraih Australia Award Scholarships dari Pemerintah Australia


Dalam proses pembelajaran, teori dan praktek berjalan beriringan. Mempraktekkan teori melalui proyek-proyek secara langsung tidak hanya berguna sebagai kesempatan mendalami ilmu yang diminati, namun juga sebagai portfolio untuk melamar pekerjaan dan beasiswa kuliah ke luar negeri. Hal ini diungkapkan Pheseline Felim, alumni Ilmu Komunikasi President University angkatan 2013 yang saat ini menempuh pendidikan Master of Strategic Communications Management di Monash University, Australia. Monash University sendiri berada di peringkat satu persen teratas dari universitas dunia.

Pheseline meraih Australia Award Scholarships (AAS), beasiswa bergengsi dari Pemerintah Australia. Program AAS di Indonesia telah didukung oleh pemerintah Australia selama lebih dari 60 tahun. Banyak di antara lulusan AAS mendapatkan posisi kepemimpinan dan menginisiasi perubahan dalam membangun Indonesia.

Gagal dalam aplikasi pertama tidak membuat Pheseline menyerah. Ia tetap semangat, melakukan persiapan dengan baik, dan kembali mendaftarkan diri pada April 2019.

“Menjadi salah satu penerima AAS adalah hal yang mengejutkan bagi saya. Saya kira saya hanya akan mendapatkan email berisi ‘unfortunately’ setelah melewati tahap kedua,” ujar Pheseline saat menceritakan prosesnya meraih AAS setelah mencoba mendaftar untuk kedua kalinya.

Australia ia pilih menjadi negara tujuan menempuh S2 karena ia yakin bahwa itu merupakan negara terbaik untuk mempelajari Ilmu Komunikasi. Ia mengatakan, “Saya melihat banyak dosen Ilmu Komunikasi di President University lulus dari Australia. Mereka telah menunjukkan skill yang unggul dan memiliki karir yang cemerlang di industri ini.”

Pheseline yang sebelumnya telah bekerja di Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) -perusahaan terintegrasi berbasis sumber daya terkemuka di Asia Pasifik, dengan bisnis di bidang kertas, minyak kelapa sawit, konstruksi dan energi- sebagai Corporate Communications mengungkapkan bahwa  pengalaman belajar dengan praktek kerja secara langsung di President University telah membantunya mendapatkan pekerjaan dan beasiswa S2.

“Selama belajar di President University, bukan hanya teori yang diajarkan. Kami banyak diberikan proyek seperti menyelenggarakan acara atau kampanye PR yang dapat menjadi portfolio yang baik untuk melamar pekerjaan dan beasiswa AAS ini,” ungkapnya.

Menutup cerita perjalanan karir dan pendidikannya, Pheseline membagikan prinsip hidupnya yaitu "persistence never betrays”. “Untuk mendapat hasil yang baik itu tidak instan. Banyak proses yang harus dilalui dan sangat wajar untuk gagal. Gagal adalah proses dari belajar dan memperbaiki diri. Penting untuk terus menyelesaikan proses tersebut dengan efektif, efisien, dan fokus. Intinya tahu apa yang ingin kalian capai dan jangan menyerah,” tutupnya.

Pheseline berharap kegigihannya dapat menginspirasi banyak orang untuk tidak menyerah dan tetap aktif menambah portfolio selama berkuliah untuk mempermudah mencari pekerjaan dan beasiswa studi lanjut. (SL/PUMA Communications)