
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 05 Dec 2019

Committed to continuously contribute to the community, President University lecturers and students conducted various research that can benefit the community in their respective field. These research were then exhibited at the 2019 President University Research Festival held on November 24-25, 2019. This event was an annual event held to facilitate lecturers and students to present their research work to the civitas academica at President University.

The research by lecturers and students was processed into research posters which then were exhibited throughout the event. In addition, there was also poster presentations by students in which students provided an explanation to visitors related to the research presented.

During the exhibition, each research poster received an assessment both by the panel of judges and visitors to determine the best research poster.

The project manager of the event, Dedi Rianto Rahadi, explained that there were five categories competed, namely the best lecturer poster, the best student poster, the most favorite poster on Instagram, the most popular poster comment, and the last category was the number of citations of lecturers’ research. This last category is assessed based on the number of citations on Google Scholar and the number of Scopus citations on Sinta Ristekdikti for research from 2015 to 2019.

For the freshmen, this activity gave them an overview of the research that has been done at President University, both by lecturers and by final-year students. Students were given the opportunity to ask questions directly to the research poster presenters so they could learn directly about the overall research process.

Through this event, Dedi revealed his hope and said, "Aside from exhibiting the results of the research, this event could stimulate scientific discussion related to research and product development, especially among students." (SL)



President University Research Festival 2019 Stimulasi Diskusi Ilmiah antar Mahasiswa dan Dosen


Terus berkomitmen untuk berkontribusi kepada masyarakat, dosen dan mahasiswa President University melakukan berbagai penelitian yang dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat di bidangnya masing-masing. Penelitian -penelitian ini kemudian dipamerkan dalam acara President University Research Festival 2019 yang diadakan pada 24-25 November 2019. Acara ini merupakan acara tahunan yang diselenggarakan untuk memfasilitasi dosen dan khususnya mahasiswa untuk menyajikan karya penelitian mereka kepada sivitas akademika di President University.

Penelitian-penelitian oleh dosen dan mahasiswa ini diolah menjadi poster penelitian yang kemudian dipamerkan sepanjang acara ini. Selain itu, terdapat juga presentasi poster oleh mahasiswa di mana mahasiswa memberikan penjelasan kepada pengunjung terkait penelitian yang disajikan.

Selama pameran berlangsung, setiap poster penelitian menerima penilaian baik oleh panel juri maupun oleh pengunjung untuk menentukan poster penelitian terbaik.

Ketua acara Dedi Rianto Rahadi menjelaskan bahwa akan ada 5 kategori yang diperlombakan, yaitu poster dosen terbaik, poster mahasiswa terbaik, poster terfavorit di Instagram, komentar poster terpopuler, serta kategori terakhir adalah penilaian jumlah sitasi terhadap penelitian dosen President University. Kategori terakhir ini dinilai didasarkan pada jumlah sitasi pada google scholar dan jumlah sitasi scopus pada Sinta Ristekdikti untuk reseach dari tahun 2015 hingga 2019.

Bagi mahasiswa baru, kegiatan ini memberikan mereka gambaran mengenai penelitian-penelitian yang sudah dikerjakan di President University, baik oleh dosen maupun oleh mahasiswa tingkat akhir. Mahasiswa diberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya langsung kepada penyaji poster penelitian agar dapat belajar langsung mengenai proses penelitian secara lengkap.

Melalui acara ini, Dedi mengungkapkan harapannya dengan berkata, “Selain untuk memamerkan hasil penelitian, acara ini dapat menstimulasi adanya diskusi ilmilah terkait penelitian dan pengembangan produk, khususnya di antara mahasiswa.” (SL)