
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 04 Dec 2019

"The Annual Concert World Heritage Music Academy” was held again on Saturday, 30 November 2019 at Bintaro Plaza, Tangerang. Together with other performers, the President University Student Orchestra managed to amaze the audience who came with various songs from various regions in Indonesia.

On this occasion, the President of the University Student Orchestra performed several songs, namely the Java Medley Orchestra, Anging Mamiri, O Ina Ni Keke, and a hits song from the young Indonesian singer Andmest entitled Hanya Rindu.

The Director of World Heritage Music Academy Hary Wisnu Yuniarta claimed to be very proud of the performance from President University Student Orchestra. "The audience was very enthusiastic. It could be seen from the audience who sang along during the performances. Even after the ‘Hanya Rindu’ performance was finished, the audience shouted asking for the song to be performed again," said Hary as he was describing the atmosphere when the President University Student Orchestra performed.

Hary, who is also a coach of the President University Student Orchestra, sees that this club has a great potential. "Although the President University Student Orchestra is only 3 years old, our members' ability is outstanding that in my opinion, we can most definitely compete against other university's orchestras who are maybe older than us,” he explained.

Furthermore, he hopes that through music, diversity can be united and the name of the President University is increasingly taken into account in the world of education. (SL)



President University Student Orchestra Unjuk Gigi dalam Gelaran "Annual Concert World Heritage Music Academy"


"Annual Concert World Heritage Music Academy" kembali digelar pada Sabtu, 30 November 2019 di Bintaro Plaza, Tangerang. Bersama para penampil lainnya, President University Student Orchestra berhasil memukau para penonton yang hadir dengan berbagai lagu dari berbagai daerah.

Pada kesempatan ini, President University Student Orchestra membawakan beberapa lagu, yaitu Java Medley Orchestra, Anging Mamiri, O Ina Ni Keke, dan lagu hits dari penyanyi muda Indonesia Andmest berjudul Hanya Rindu.

Direktur World Heritage Music Academy Hary Wisnu Yuniarta mengaku sangat bangga dengan penampilan dari President University Student Orchestra. “Penonton begitu antusias terlihat dari penonton yang ikut bernyanyi selama penampilan berlangsung. Bahkan setelah penampilan ‘Hanya Rindu’ selesai, penonton berteriak meminta lagu tersebut kembali ditampilkan,” ujar Hary yang menceritakan suasana saat President University Student Orchestra tampil.

Hary yang juga adalah pelatih dari President University Student Orchestra melihat bahwa klub ini mempunyai potensi yang besar. “Meski baru berusia 3 tahun, kemampuan anggota President University Student Orchestra begitu luar biasa sehingga menurut saya sangat bisa bersaing dengan orchestra dari perguruan tinggi lain yg mungkin usianya jauh lebih tua dari kita,” jelasnya.

Lebih lanjut, ia berharap melalui musik, keberagaman dapat dipersatukan dan nama President University makin diperhitungkan di dunia pendidikan. (SL)