
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 05 Nov 2019

Accounting has a relationship with the condition of the environment nowadays. As now environmental issues have been gained so much attention from the public, the growing awareness and pressure by community, customers, and stakeholders have forced the organization to accept the introduction of environmental protection measures into their organization. Therefore, this relationship will determine the sustainability of an organization. However, the lack of attention and knowledge about the relationship between accounting and the environment itself still happens in many organizations. In response to this, the Accounting Club and President University Major Association of Accounting held an event called “President University Accounting Days” on 29 October 2019  – 1 November 2019 at Charles Himawan Auditorium President University.

President University Accounting Days 2019 (PUAD 2019) consisted of three sub-event, which are National Seminar, Accounting Internal Competition (ACTION), and Senior High School Competition (SHC). The overall PUAD 2019 brought a theme “Enhance Your Insight, Passion, and Spirit as Future Accountant”.

Senior High School Competition (SHC) became the opening of PUAD this year. Senior High School Competition (SHC) invited participants who are students from various senior high schools. The materials of the competition vary, from the accounting cycle of a service company, accounting cycle of merchandising company, cash and receivables, payables, depreciation, cost flow assumption of inventory, revenues and expenses, to financial reporting.

Next, the competition for accounting students at President University was also held. Accounting Internal Competition (ACTION) allowed accounting students especially from batch 2018 and 2019 to broaden their knowledge about the real practices of accounting which can improve their capability and skills of the accounting profession.

Aside from competition, PUAD also held a national seminar. In this seminar, the Accounting Club and President University Major Association of Accounting invited professional speakers who are experienced in accounting. They are Indonesian Accounting Association Representative Arie Pratama, SE, M.Ak, CPSAK, CPA, Senior Associate at PwC Indonesia Aditya Oesman who is also an alumnus of President University, and Head of Subdivision Accounting Standards for Issuers and Public Companies Directorate of Accounting and Governance Standards from OJK Sylvana Tiur. Delivered a topic “The Impact of Financial Technology Development to The Accounting Regulation PSAK 71,72, and 73”, this seminar was moderated by a Lecturer of Accounting Study Program Dr. Josep Ginting, CFA with the aim to give a deep understanding of the changes in financial technology nowadays.

Viento Vigo as Project Manager of PUAD 2019 said, “With bring the theme of the relationship between accounting and environment, we as committee hope that President University Accounting Days 2019 can give good impact to all of the participants, especially future accountant from President University." (AC/SL)



President University Accounting Days Mempertajam Pengetahuan Siswa-Siswi SMA tentang Akuntansi

Akuntansi memiliki hubungan dengan kondisi lingkungan saat ini. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa isu lingkungan dewasa ini telah mendapatkan perhatian publik. Meningkatnya kesadaran dan tekanan oleh masyarakat, pelanggan, dan pemangku kepentingan mengenai isu lingkungan telah memaksa organisasi untuk menerima pengenalan langkah-langkah perlindungan lingkungan ke dalam organisasi mereka. Untuk itu, hubungan ini akan menentukan keberlanjutan sebuah organisasi. Tetapi, kurangnya perhatian dan pengetahuan tentang hubungan antara akuntansi dan lingkungan masih terjadi di banyak organisasi. Menanggapi hal ini, Klub Akuntansi dan Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi President University mengadakan acara yang disebut "President University Accounting Days" pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2019 - 1 November 2019, di Auditorium Charles Himawan President University.

President University Accounting Days 2019 (PUAD 2019) dibagi menjadi tiga sub-acara, yaitu Seminar Nasional, Accounting Internal Competition (ACTION), and Senior High School Competition (SHC). Rangkaian acara President University Accounting Days 2019 (PUAD 2019) mengangkat tema “Enhance Your Insight, Passion, and Spirit as Future Accountant”.


Senior High School Competition (SHC) menjadi pembukaan PUAD tahun ini. Kompetisi ini mengundang peserta dari berbagai sekolah menengah atas. Materi yang diperlombakan adalah siklus akuntansi perusahaan layanan, siklus akuntansi perusahaan merchandising, kas dan piutang, hutang, depresiasi, asumsi aliran biaya persediaan, pendapatan dan biaya, dan pelaporan keuangan.

Selanjutnya, kompetisi untuk mahasiswa akuntansi di President University juga dilaksanakan. Accounting Internal Competition (ACTION) memungkinkan mahasiswa akuntansi khususnya dari angkatan 2018 dan 2019 untuk berkompetisi serta mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang praktik nyata akuntansi yang diharapkan berguna dalam dunia kerja di masa depan.

Selain kompetisi, PUAD juga memiliki seminar nasional. Dalam seminar ini,  Klub Akuntansi dan Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi President University mengundang tiga pembicara, yaitu Perwakilan Asosiasi Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia Arie Pratama, SE, M.Ak, CPSAK, CPA, Senior Associate di PwC Indonesia (salah satu kantor akuntan publik terkemuka di dunia) Aditya Oesman yang juga adalah alumni President University, serta Kepala Subbagian Standar Akuntansi untuk Emiten dan Perusahaan Publik Direktorat Akuntansi dan Tata Kelola Standar dari OJK Sylvana Tiur. Menghadirkan topik "Dampak Perkembangan Teknologi Keuangan terhadap Peraturan Akuntansi PSAK 71,72, dan 73", seminar ini dimoderatori oleh Dosen Program Studi Akuntansi President University Dr. Josep Ginting, CFA dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman komprehensif mengenai perkembangan teknologi keuangan terkini.

Viento Vigo sebagai Project Manager PUAD 2019 mengatakan, “Dengan membawa tema hubungan antara akuntansi dan lingkungan, kami sebagai panitia berharap President University Accounting Days 2019 dapat memberikan dampak yang baik bagi semua peserta, terutama future accountant dari President University." (AC/SL)