
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 11 Oct 2019

The controversy towards a number of bills in Indonesia was responded by academicians at President University by holding an interactive discussion that was attended by both lecturers and students.

In this discussion, the students received an explanation of the conditions of the development of several draft laws and the revision of the laws which took place within such a short time frame. One of the controversial bills is the Draft Amendment of Indonesian Criminal Code. Lecturers of President University's Law Study Program Ariehta E. Sembiring, SH, LL.M and Zenny R. Dewantary, SH, LL.M said that the initiation of the Draft Amendment of Indonesian Criminal Code had begun since the 1963 National Law Seminar I in 1963. The Draft Amendment of Indonesian Criminal Code was designed by great thinkers of criminal code who intended to replace the existing Criminal Code deemed 'very colonial'.

Furthermore, Ariehta and Zenny also stated that a controversy about the Draft Amendment of Indonesian Criminal Code developed within the public. For this reason, the Draft Amendment of Indonesian Criminal Code that has become a controversy needs to be explored further to get a better understanding.

Closing the discussion session, the two lecturers also said that the Draft Amendment of Indonesian Criminal Code is nowhere near perfect, neither any other law. The Draft Amendment of Indonesian Criminal Code contains the noble ideals of Indonesia to form the concept of a humanist criminal law in Indonesia. Therefore, criticism of the Draft Amendment of Indonesian Criminal Code needs to be done academically instead of leaning towards a more populist approach.

This discussion was moderated by a lecturer of President University Communication Study Program Anathasia Citra, S. Sos., M.Sc. and was attended by the lecturer of President University Law Study Program Gratianus Prikasetya Putra, S.H., M.H. and lecturer of President University Communication Study Program Mohammad Shihab, S.I.Kom, M.I.Kom. (ZR/SL/APW)



Law Talk: RKUHP Sebaiknya Ditelaah Secara Kritis Akademis

Kontroversi mengenai sejumlah rancangan undang-undang di Indonesia ditanggapi akademisi President University dengan menggelar diskusi interaktif yang dihadiri oleh kalangan dosen dan mahasiswa.

Dalam diskusi ini, mahasiswa mendapat penjelasan mengenai kondisi perkembangan beberapa rancangan undang-undang dan revisi undang-undang yang berlangsung di waktu berdekatan,salah satunya adalah Rancangan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (RKUHP). Dosen Program Studi Hukum President University Ariehta E. Sembiring, SH, LL.M dan Zenny R. Dewantary, SH, LL.M mengatakan bahwa inisiasi rancangan RKUHP ini telah dimulai sejak Seminar Hukum Nasional I tahun 1963. RKUHP sendiri dirancang oleh pemikir-pemikir hukum pindana besar yang bermaksud untuk mengganti KUHP yang dirasa ‘sangat kolonial’.

Lebih lanjut, Ariehta dan Zenny mengungkapkan bahwa di sebagian kalangan berkembang kontroversi tentang RKUHP, untuk itu kontroversi tersebut perlu ditelaah lebih jauh untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik.

Menutup sesi diskusi, kedua dosen ini juga mengatakan bahwa RKUHP itu belum sempurna, sama halnya dengan tidak ada undang-undang yang sempurna. RKUHP mengandung cita-cita mulia negara Indonesia untuk membentuk konsep cita rasa hukum pidana yang humanis Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, kritik atas RKUHP perlu dilakukan secara kritis akademis bukan kritis populis semata.

Diskusi ini dimoderatori oleh dosen Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi President University Anathasia Citra, S.Sos., M.Si. serta dihadiri oleh dosen Program Studi Hukum President University Gratianus Prikasetya Putra, S.H., M.H. dan dosen Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi President University Mohammad Shihab, S.I.Kom, M.I.Kom. (ZR/SL/APW)