
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 28 May 2019

Buddhist community in President University, KMB Ashokavardhana celebrated Vesakh on Saturday, May 25th, 2019 at Ibis Style Hotel Cikarang. This event was opened for all Buddhist people around Jabodetabek area.

With the theme “Awareness through Dhamma”, KMB Ashokavardhana hoped that the participants aware of the importance of unity in Dhamma. Further, they hoped this unity can also spread to all people in Indonesia.

“Vesakh is not only a celebration. We should understand the real meaning of this Vesakh Day. In commemoration of this holy Vesakh Day, our awareness of surrounding should increase. The awareness of the importance of unity that can help us united,” said Bhante Karunasilo as the speaker of the event.

Previously, KMB Ashokavardhana also held “Buka Bersama Waisak KMBA 2019” following the fact that this is also the Holy Month of Ramadhan. They invited orphans from Rumah Harapan to President University Student Housing on May 20, 2019. They broke the fast and played games together.

“We are grateful for this year we can celebrate Vesakh with the children who celebrate Ramadhan. It demonstrates togetherness and unity of Indonesia. Obviously, this is a very rare moment and we use this moment to build religious tolerance among Indonesian people,“ said Laurent, the Project Manager of KMBA Vesakh 2019.

This year’s Vesakh Celebration definitely give another great experience for all Buddhist in President University. It celebrates Vesakh along with its values which are love, tolerance, and unity.



Komunitas Buddha di President University, KMB Ashokavardhana memperingati Hari Raya Waisak pada hari Sabtu, 25 Mei 2019 di Ibis Style Hotel Cikarang. Acara ini dibuka tidak hanya untuk umat Buddha di President University, tetapi untuk semua umat Buddha di wilayah Jabodetabek. Hal ini dilakukan dengan harapan dapat memperkuat hubungan dan cinta di antara sesama umat Buddha.

Dengan tema "Kesadaran melalui Dhamma", KMB Ashokavardhana President University berharap melalui acara ini semua umat Buddha terutama di President University menyadari pentingnya persatuan dalam Dhamma.

Lebih lanjut, mereka berharap persatuan ini dapat disalurkan ke seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.

“Kita harus memahami arti sesungguhnya dari perayaan Waisak ini, bukan hanya sekedar merayakannya. Melalui Waisak tahun ini, kita harus meningkatkan kesadaran akan keadaan sekitar,” jelas Bhante Karunasilo sebagai pembicara dalam peringatan Hari Suci Waisak KMBA 2019.

Sebelumnya, KMB Ashokavardhana juga mengadakan acara adalah "Buka Bersama Waisak KMBA 2019". Mengundang 26 anak yatim dari Rumah Harapan, KMB Ashokavardhana President University melakukan kegiatan buka bersama dan bermain bersama anak yatim. Acara buka bersama ini diadakan di President University Student Housing pada 20 Mei 2019.

“Kami bersyukur tahun ini Hari Raya Waisak bertepatan dengan bulan suci Ramadhan. Moment yang langka ini kami mnfaatkan untuk menjaga toleransi beragama di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia,” kata Laurent, Project Manager KMBA Vesakh 2019.