
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 26 Sep 2018

Still confused on determining which campus to study abroad? Don’t worry. President University through Law Study Program has just collaborated with Pennsylvania State University (PennState Law), a university located in the city of Pennsylvania, United States.

President University students have the privilege of scholarship opportunity on Master of Law (LL.M) and student exchange at PennState, and experience legal practice in various countries.

The information above was delivered by Stephen G. Barnes, PennState Law's Assistant Dean Graduate and International Programs on "International Public Lecture" in the presence of lecturers and dozens of students of the Law Study Program at Charles Himawan Auditorium, President University, Cikarang.

According to Yasmine Prisandani, S.H., LL.M as a Partnerships and External Affairs of Law Study Program, the collaboration with PennState Law will be beneficial for students to add knowledge, skills and experience from international teachers and students with different legal and cultural systems. "Collaboration with PennState Law is one of the President University Law study program development programs to have international knowledge and experience. Moreover, the opportunity to get a scholarship is expected to be an encouragement for President University Law students to take the leap forward, " explained Yasmine.

Masih bingung menentukan kampus untuk kuliah di luar negeri? Jangan kuatir. President University khususnya melalui Program Studi Hukum baru saja melakukan kerjasama dengan Pennsylvania State University (PennState Law), sebuah universitas asal kota Pennsylvania Amerika Serikat.

Mahasiswa President University dapat memanfaatkan peluang pertukaran mahasiswa dan LL.M (Masters of Laws) dengan beasiswa serta pengalaman praktik bidang hukum di berbagai negara.

Semua hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Stephen G. Barnes, Assistant Dean Graduate and International Programs PennState Law pada “International Public Lecture” dihadapan dosen dan puluhan mahasiswa Program Studi Hukum di Auditorium Charles Himawan, Gedung President University, Cikarang.

Menurut Yasmine Prisandani, S.H., LL.M selaku Partnerships and External Affairs Program Studi Hukum, kerjasama dengan PennState Law akan bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa menambah pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman dengan pengajar dan mahasiswa internasional dengan sistem hukum dan culture yang berbeda. “Kerjasama dengan PennState Law menjadi salah satu program pengembangan mahasiswa program studi Hukum President University agar memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman internasional. Terlebih lagi, adanya kesempatan mendapatkan beasiswa diharapkan menjadi encouragement bagi mahasiswa Hukum President University to take the leap forward,” jelas Yasmine.