
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 12 Feb 2021

Wednesday (10/02), all student organizations at President University (PresUniv) held an online Grand Inauguration and was attended by 543 participants. These organizations include President University Student Council (PUSC), President University Student Union (PUSU), and President University Major Association (PUMA) from each study programs. This year's Grand Inauguration has the theme "Reaching for the STAR". STAR stands for service, trustworthy adaptability, and resilience.

The inauguration began with singing the song Indonesia Raya, and Mars President University, which was continued by an opening speech from the Project Manager of Grand Inauguration, Yuthia Elsa Fitri. He emphasized that this event is very important because it marks the new period of the board. Yuthia hopes that in this new period, student organizations can provide better services to PresUniv students and management, are trustworthy, adaptable, resilient, and can bring better change for PresUniv and the country.

The Vice Rector for Communication and Cooperation, PresUniv, Handa S. Abidin, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., admitted that he was proud of those who wanted to join student organization. "It takes courage to join," he said. The event then continued with the core activities, which are the inauguration of the new board by Donald Samuel, Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, and the embedding of badges for each organization, followed by short speeches from each of the new heads of the organizations. The event was closed with all boards entering the break out room that had been provided in the zoom application according to their organizations. (Silvia Desi Betrice, PR team)




Peresmian Pengurus Organisasi Kemahasiswaan 2021


Rabu (10/02), seluruh organisasi kemahasiswaan di President University (PresUniv) melaksanakan Grand Inauguration secara daring dan dikuti oleh 543 peserta. Organisasi-organisasi tersebut meliputi President University Student Council (PUSC), President University Student Union (PUSU), dan President University Major Association (PUMA) dari masing-masing program studi. Grand Inauguration tahun ini mengangkat tema “Reaching for the STAR”. STAR merupakan singkatan dari service, trustworthy adaptability, dan resilience.

Acara inaugurasi diawali menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya, dan Mars President University, yang dilanjutkan dengan pidato pembuka dari Ketua Pelaksana Grand Inauguration, Yuthia Elsa Fitri. Ia menekankan bahwa acara ini sangat penting karena jadi penanda bagi masa kerja pengurus yang baru. Yuthia berharap di periode yang baru ini, organisasi mahasiswa dapat memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik kepada mahasiswa dan manajemen PresUniv, dapat dipercaya, mudah beradaptasi, tangguh, dan dapat membawa perubahan yang lebih baik untuk PresUniv serta negara.

Wakil Rektor Bidang Komunikasi dan Kerja Sama PresUniv, Handa S. Abidin, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., saat memberikan sambutan mengaku bangga kepada mereka yang mau bergabung dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan. “Butuh keberanian untuk mau bergabung,” ungkapnya. Acara kemudian dilanjutkan ke kegiatan inti, yaitu peresmian para pengurus baru oleh Donald Samuel, Kepala Biro Student Affairs, dan pemasangan lencana tiap-tiap organisasi, diikuti pidato singkat dari masing-masing ketua organisasi yang baru. Acara ditutup dengan semua pengurus memasuki break out room yang telah disediakan di aplikasi zoom sesuai dengan organisasi masing-masing. (Silvia Desi Betrice, tim PR)