
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 27 Jan 2021

Monday (25/01), Politeknik Harapan Bersama (PHB), Tegal, Central Java, held a visit to President University (PresUniv). The second visit was conducted in the context of a comparative study. By still implemented strict health protocols, the PHB’s group was received by Vice Rector for Resources, Sandy Darmowinoto, and PresUniv team.

On this visit, PresUniv‘s team, which included various bureaus, such as Partnerships, Academics, Marketing, International Office (IO), Internship and Career Center (ICC), Setsail, lecturers and even President Development Center (PDC), shared information and experiences in managing the organization to continue serving students during the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, team from Marketing Bureau presented tips for online recruitment. Then, how does the ICC Bureau manage its apprenticeship program even though most companies implement a work from home (WFH) scheme.

The comparative study ended with lunch together and exchanging souvenir. Both PresUniv and PHB hope that this information-sharing event can help each campus to continue providing services, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. (Silvia Desi Betrice, PR team)




Politeknik Harapan Bersama Berkunjung ke PresUniv


Senin (25/01), Politeknik Harapan Bersama (PHB), Tegal, Jawa Tengah, melakukan kunjungan ke President University (PresUniv). Kunjungan kedua itu dilakukan dalam rangka studi banding. Dengan tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang ketat, rombongan dari PHB diterima oleh Wakil Rektor Bidang Sumber Daya, Sandy Darmowinoto, dan tim PresUniv.

Pada kunjungan kali ini, tim dari PresUniv yang meliputi berbagai biro, seperti Kerja Sama, Akademik, Marketing, International Office (IO), Internship and Career Center (ICC), Setsail, hingga dosen dan bahkan President Development Center (PDC), berbagi informasi serta pengalaman dalam mengelola organisasinya untuk tetap bisa melayani mahasiswa di masa pandemi Covid-19. Misalnya, tim dari Biro Marketing memaparkan kiat-kiat melakukan rekrutmen secara online. Lalu, bagaimana Biro ICC mengelola program magangnya meski sebagian besar perusahaan menerapkan skema work from home (WFH).

Studi banding ini diakhiri dengan makan siang bersama dan saling bertukar kenang-kenangan. Baik PresUniv maupun PHB berharap ajang berbagi informasi ini dapat membantu masing-masing kampus untuk tetap memberikan layanan, terutama selama masa pandemi Covid-19. (Silvia Desi Betrice, tim PR)