
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 08 May 2021

A group of students from the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, President University (PresUniv), passed the selection for the Program Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Indonesia (PKMI) 2021 in the category of Kegiatan Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI). The information was announced on Sunday (2/5). This student group consists of Firman Yusuf as Founder and Owner, Syahrafi Ariq Ibrahim as Marketing and Communication, and Putra Wijaya as Engineering. They are students batch 2018. Then there are Reza Renaldi as Multimedia and Steven Ardianta as Design and Art. Both of them are from batch 2019. These young entrepreneur candidates are building a business called Cococreative.

Cococreative is an MSME that is engaged in the coconut husk handicraft business. Firman said that he and his friends chose this business because they wanted to solve a large amount of unused coconut coir waste, especially in Cilacap Regency. "This business is also profitable," he added. In addition, because Cococreative is based on technopreneurship, they hope that their efforts can help Indonesia's economy and tourism.

By passing the PKMI selection, Cococreative managed to get a business fund of IDR 25 million from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This fund will be the additional fund to a coconut fiber and cocopeat separator design for Rp. 375 million. This machine functions to separate some materials in coconut husk so that production increases. In developing Cococreative, Firman also received guidance from Setsail BizAccel, President University's business incubator. (Silvia Desi Betrice. Photo: Firman)




Cococreative karya Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin, PresUniv, Lolos Seleksi PKMI Kemdikbud


Kelompok mahasiswa dari Prodi Teknik Mesin, President University (PresUniv), lolos seleksi Program Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Indonesia (PKMI) 2021 dalam kategori Kegiatan Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI). Informasi soal ini diumumkan Minggu (2/5). Kelompok mahasiswa ini beranggotakan Firman Yusuf sebagai Founder dan Owner, Syahrafi Ariq Ibrahim sebagai Marketing and Communication, dan Putra Wijaya sebagai Engineering. Mereka mahasiswa angkatan 2018. Lalu ada Reza Renaldi sebagai Multimedia dan Steven Ardianta sebagai Design and Art. Keduanya dari angkatan 2019. Para calon pengusaha muda ini membangun usaha yang bernama Cococreative.

Cococreative adalah UMKM yang bergerak di bisnis kerajinan olahan sabut kelapa. Firman mengatakan, ia dan teman-teman memilih usaha ini karena ingin memecahkan masalah banyaknya limbah sabut kelapa yang tidak terpakai, khususnya di Kabupaten Cilacap. “Usaha ini juga menguntungkan,” tambahnya. Selain itu, karena Cococreative berbasis technopreneurship, mereka berharap usahanya dapat membantu perekonomian dan pariwisata Indonesia.

Dengan lolos seleksi PKMI, Cococreative berhasil mendapatkan dana usaha Rp25 juta dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI. Dana ini akan menjadi tambahan dalam merancang mesin pemisah serat sabut kelapa  dan cocopeat seharga Rp375 juta. Mesin ini berfungsi memisahkan berapa material yang ada di sabut kelapa, sehingga produksi meningkat. Dalam mengembangkan Cococreative, Firman juga mendapat bimbingan dari Setsail BizAccel, yaitu inkubator bisnis milik President University. (Silvia Desi Betrice. Foto: Firman)