
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 26 Apr 2021


There are still many college graduates who do not yet know ??how to make a career as a professional. That is why the Internship & Career Center (ICC) Bureau, President University (PresUniv), in collaboration with Astra Career, PT Astra International Tbk., Held a webinar on the topic How to Survive at Your Working Environment, Wednesday (21/4). The webinar featured speakers Alvin Trisnowidjojo, Astra Life's Digital B2C2C Unit Head, and Yusuf Fadian Arsyad Temenggung, People & Internal Support, Project Leader Environment & Social Responsibility, PT Astra International Tbk.

In the first session, Alvin shared his understanding of Lifelong learning, which includes focusing on growth, become a serial master, stretch, build your personal brand and network, own your development journey, do what you love, and discover your reason for being, and stay vital. He said, "It is essential to have a mindset to learn constantly because learning is endless. " So, he continued, start a career journey by becoming a learner to create value.

Meanwhile, Yusuf explained the material about networking. As a professional in corporate social responsibility (CSR), Yusuf emphasizes the importance of building networks. "Through networking, we can strengthen business connections, get fresh ideas, access to job opportunities, and much more," he said. In addition, Yusuf suggests the importance of coming to work on time, being willing to introduce yourself to colleagues, do not hesitate to ask questions, and refrain from gossiping for those new to a career as a professional. (Lita Gabriella, PR team. Photo: Lita Gabriella).


Astra Career Fair bersama ICC, PresUniv


Masih banyak lulusan perguruan tinggi yang belum memiliki gambaran bagaimana berkarier sebagai profesional. Itu sebabnya Biro Internship & Career Center (ICC), President University (PresUniv), bekerja sama dengan Astra Career, PT Astra International Tbk., mengadakan webinar bertopik How to Survive at Your Working Environment, Rabu (21/4). Webinar menghadirkan pembicara Alvin Trisnowidjojo, Digital B2C2C Unit Head Astra Life, dan Yusuf Fadian Arsyad Temenggung, People & Internal Support, Project Leader Environment & Social Resposibility, PT Astra International Tbk.

Pada sesi pertama, Alvin membagikan pemahamannya mengenai Lifelong learning yang mencakup focus on growth, become a serial master, stretch, build your personal brand and network, own your development journey, do what you love and discover your reason for being, dan stay vital. Katanya, “Penting sekali mempunyai mindset untuk selalu belajar. Sebab belajar itu tidak ada habisnya.” Jadi, lanjut dia, mulailah perjalanan karier dengan menjadi pembelajar untuk menciptakan value.

Sementara, Yusuf memaparkan materi tentang networking. Sebagai profesional di bidang corporate social responsibility (CSR), Yusuf menekankan pentingnya membangun jejaring. “Lewat networking kita bisa memperkuat koneksi bisnis, memperoleh ide-ide segar, akses ke peluang kerja, dan banyak lagi,” katanya. Selain itu, bagi yang baru berkarier sebagai profesional, Yusuf menyarankan pentingnya untuk masuk kerja tepat waktu, mau memperkenalkan diri ke rekan kerja, jangan sungkan bertanya, dan menahan diri untuk tidak bergosip. (Lita Gabriella, tim PR. Foto: Lita Gabriella).