
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 16 Apr 2021

Monday (12/4), President University (PresUniv) and City of Glasgow College (CoGC) held a webinar as a form of implementation of its partnership. The webinar's topic was about the education system in Scotland and how CoGC was able to maintain the quality of education amid the Covid-19 pandemic. This topic was brought up by Joe Mulholland, Associate Dean of CoGC.

Currently, Mulholland is in charge of teams covering Electrical Engineering, Electronic Machinery, Automation, Cyber Security, and Software Development. For 15 years, he was a recognized electrical contractor and led many of Glasgow's renowned electrical installations before entering the world of education. Thanks to his experience, Joe is here to share his knowledge and experiences with students of the Faculty of Engineering, PresUniv.

Some materials that Joe gave, such as the different ages in the Scottish education system, what students do after completing their education, what students and society expect from lecturers or teachers, and many more. Hopefully, with this webinar, the cooperation between PresUniv and CoGC can be increased into other activities, such as student exchanges or faculty members. (Silvia Desi Betrice. Photo: Silvia)




Mengenal Dunia Pendidikan Skotlandia bersama City of Glasgow College


Senin (12/4), President University (PresUniv) dan City of Glasgow College (CoGC) mengadakan webinar sebagai bentuk implementasi kerja samanya. Topik webinar adalah tentang sistem pendidikan di Skotlandia dan bagaimana CoGC mampu mempertahankan kualitas pendidikan di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Topik ini dibawakan oleh Joe Mulholland, Associate Dean CoGC.

Saat ini Mulholland bertanggung jawab atas tim yang mencakup Teknik Elektro, Mesin Elektronik, Otomasi, Keamanan Cyber, dan Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak. Selama 15 tahun ia menjadi kontraktor listrik yang diakui dan memimpin banyak instalasi listrik terkenal di Glasgow, sebelum memasuki dunia pendidikan. Berkat pengalamannya, Joe hadir untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik, PresUniv.

Beberapa materi yang disampaikan Joe, yaitu ragam usia dalam sistem pendidikan Skotlandia, apa yang dilakukan siswa setelah selesai menyelesaikan pendidikannya, apa harapan siswa dan masyarakat terhadap dosen atau pengajar, dan masih banyak lagi. Dengan webinar ini, diharapkan kerja sama antara PresUniv dan CoGC dapat ditingkatkan menjadi kegiatan-kegiatan lain, seperti pertukaran perlajar atau anggota fakultas. (Silvia Desi Betrice. Foto: Silvia)