
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 14 Apr 2021

Product development has an important role in the company. What are the actual process and implementation of product development in a business? This material was presented by Danar Sadewo, senior manager of Product Implementation and Project Management of PT Prudential Life Assurance, in the webinar "Insure Yourself for a Bright Future". The webinar organized by the President University Major Association (PUMA) Management with PT Prudential Life Assurance, Saturday (10/4), was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dra Genoveva, M.M., Head of Management Study Program, PresUniv, and Dewi Satriani, Head of Talent Acquisition PT Prudential Life Assurance.

Danar said, there are three phases in product development: pre-production, production, and post-production. Pre-production is the phase to seek ideas from various sources and data, while production is the phase of finalizing ideas in detail, designing products, and developing systems so that they can build an end-to-end experience for customers. "Product development does not only end at product launching but must go through the post-production phase by monitoring the sales of its products," said Danar.

Danar continued, product formation must go through several processes so that it deliveries the customer well. This process consists of market intelligence, idea creation, product finalization, launch preparation, product launch, and promotion. Danar also shares tricks to be able to deliver products to customers well. "The trick is finding balance," he said. He revealed, in developing a product, do not only look at the customer side but also consider the company side and distribution so that a balance is formed. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang Suryanata)




Finding Balance: Kunci dalam Pengembangan Produk


Product development memiliki peran yang penting di perusahaan. Lalu, bagaimana sebenarnya proses dan implementasi dari pengembangan produk dalam suatu bisnis? Materi inilah yang dibawakan oleh Danar Sadewo, senior manager of Product Implementation and Project Management PT Prudential Life Assurance, dalam webinar “Insure Yourself for a Bright Future”. Webinar yang diselenggarakan oleh President University Major Association (PUMA) Management dengan PT Prudential Life Assurance, Sabtu (10/4), ini dihadiri oleh Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dra Genoveva, M.M., Ketua Program Studi (Prodi) Manajemen, PresUniv, dan Dewi Satriani, Head of Talent Acquisition PT Prudential Life Assurance.

Danar menyampaikan, ada tiga fase dalam pengembangan produk, yaitu pra produksi, produksi, dan post produksi. Pra produksi merupakan fase untuk mencari ide dari berbagai sumber dan data, sedangkan produksi merupakan fase mematangkan ide secara detail, mendesain produk, serta mengembangkan sistem sehingga dapat membangun end-to-end experience pada customer. “Pengembangan produk tidak hanya berakhir pada launching produk, tetapi harus melalui fase post produksi dengan melakukan pengawasan terhadap penjualan produknya,” kata Danar.

Danar melanjutkan, pembentukan produk harus melalui beberapa proses, sehingga sampai dengan baik ke costumer. Proses ini terdiri dari market intelligence, idea creation, product finalization, launch preparation, product launch, dan promotion. Danar juga membagikan trik untuk dapat menyampaikan produk kepada customer secara baik. “Triknya adalah finding balance,” tegasnya. Ia mengungkapkan, dalam mengembangkan suatu produk jangan hanya melihat sisi customer, tetapi juga harus mempertimbangkan sisi perusahaan dan distribusinya, sehingga terbentuk keseimbangan. (Gilang Suryanata, tim PR. Foto: Gilang Suryanata)