
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 01 Apr 2021

Saturday (27/3), the Investment Club, President University (PresUniv), collaboration with the Gallery Investasi (Galvest), Trisakti School of Management (TSM), held a Comparative Study 2021. In addition to the Investment Club and Galvest members, this activity was also attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dra Genoveva, M.M., Head of the Management Study Program, PresUniv, Dr. Tita Deitiana, M.M., Program Leader of Management Study Program, TSM, and Emir Kharismar, S.E., M.B.A., R.S.A., C.R.P., Galvest's supervisor.

In his remarks, Genoveva said that this activity was a lesson to increase student knowledge by working together and exchanging information. She emphasize, "Learning from class is not enough. It is also necessary to organize and add to the network, so that it will enrich student’s experience and knowledge. " Meanwhile, Emir revealed that there is a need for cooperation programs between the Investment Club and Galvest to expand the network.

The activity which was carried out online was divided into four sessions, namely the presentation of the work programs of each organization, group discussions, questions and answers, and games. Group discussion uses the breakout room feature of Google Meet, so that each member is divided into small groups according to their division. The purpose of this group discussion is to deepen the discussion that only focuses on each division. (Gilang Suryanata, PR team. Photo: Gilang Suryanata)




Investment Club PresUniv dan Galvest TSM Adakan Study Banding


Sabtu (27/3), Investment Club, President University (PresUniv), bersama Galeri Investasi (Galvest), Trisakti School of Management (TSM), mengadakan Comparative Study 2021. Selain para pengurus Investment Club dan Galvest, kegiatan ini juga dihadiri oleh Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dra Genoveva, M.M., Ketua Program Studi (Prodi) Manajemen, PresUniv, Dr. Tita Deitiana, M.M., Ketua Prodi Manajemen, TSM, dan Emir Kharismar, S.E., M.B.A., R.S.A., C.R.P., dosen pembimbing Galvest.

Dalam sambutannya, Genoveva menyampaikan, kegiatan ini merupakan suatu pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa dengan saling bekerja sama serta bertukar informasi. Tegasnya, “Belajar dari kelas saja tidak cukup. Perlu juga berorganisasi dan menambah network, sehingga semakin memperkaya mahasiswa.” Sementara, Emir mengungkapkan, perlunya program-program kerja sama antara Investment Club dengan Galvest untuk memperluas network.

Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan secara daring ini terbagi dalam empat sesi, yaitu pemaparan program kerja dari masing-masing organisasi, group discussion, tanya jawab, dan games. Group discussion menggunakan fitur breakout room dari Google Meet, sehingga masing-masing pengurus dibagi menjadi kelompok kecil sesuai dengan divisinya. Tujuan dari group discussion ini untuk memperdalam diskusi yang hanya fokus dengan divisnya masing-masing. (Gilang Suryanata, tim PR. Foto: Gilang Suryanata)