Published: 13 Jan 2021

Monday (12/01), Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PSTE), which is a new study program at President University (PresUniv), succeeded in producing its first graduate, namely Purnama Dewi (batch 2017). Purnama passed with a thesis entitled "The Impact of Synchronous Online Learning on Students Attainment in Maths". Her thesis supervisor is Disa Evawani Lestari, a PSTE lecturer. Adjusting to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire advising process to the thesis defense were held online.

This first thesis defense was attended by Donald Samuel and Grace Neolaka, both as examiners, and Ani Pujiastuti, Ph.D, as the Head of PSTE Study Program. According to Ani, the challenges faced during this online learning period motivate the lecturers and students to continue to adapt to the situation. Ani hopes that this pandemic conditions will not prevent lecturers and students from keeping doing research. She said, "I hope that our graduates can continue the 'research tradition' of the PSTE Study Program." In addition, Ani continued, PSTE Study Program is an important arena in fostering and preparing the educators for future generations.

Purnama herself, in collaboration with his supervisor, Disa Evawani, will publish her thesis in a journal. This is certainly a good start to maintain the 'research tradition', and it is great to be followed by the next graduates of PSTE Study Program. (Geraldine Nathasya, PR team)




Prodi PGSD Cetak Lulusan Pertama


Senin (12/01), Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD), yang merupakan prodi baru di President University (PresUniv), berhasil mencetak lulusan pertamanya, yaitu Purnama Dewi (angkatan 2017). Purnama lulus dengan skripsi berjudul “The Impact of Synchronous Online Learning on Students Attainment in Maths”. Pembimbing skripsinya adalah Disa Evawani Lestari, dosen PGSD. Menyesuaikan dengan keadaan pandemi Covid-19, seluruh proses bimbingan hingga sidang skripsi dilakukan secara online.

Sidang skripsi pertama ini dihadiri oleh Donald Samuel dan Grace Neolaka, keduanya dosen penguji, serta Ani Pujiastuti, Ph.D, selaku Kaprodi PGSD. Menurut Ani, tantangan yang dihadapi selama masa kuliah daring ini justru menjadi pemacu bagi para dosen dan mahasiswa untuk terus beradaptasi dengan keadaan. Ani berharap, kondisi pandemi tidak menghalangi dosen dan mahasiswa untuk terus meneliti. Katanya, “Saya berharap, para lulusan dapat meneruskan ‘tradisi penelitian’ dari Prodi PGSD.” Selain itu, lanjut Ani, Prodi PGSD merupakan arena yang penting dalam membina dan mempersiapkan para pendidik bagi generasi masa depan.

Purnama sendiri, berkolaborasi bersama dosen pembimbingnya, Disa Evawani, akan mempublikasikan skripsinya ke dalam jurnal. Ini tentu menjadi awal yang baik untuk mempertahankan ‘tradisi penelitian’ dan layak diikuti oleh calon lulusan Prodi PGSD berikutnya. (Geraldine Nathasya, tim PR)