Published: 20 Nov 2020

As it has been carried out since July 2020, the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) brings many opportunities for Indonesia. This was mentioned by SD Darmono, founder of the Jababeka Group and President University, in a webinar entitled "Indonesia-Australia Economic Cooperation and Industrial Collaboration to Serve the Global Market", Wednesday (18/11). He said, "We can take advantage of this opportunity by combining advanced technology from Australia with manufacturing potential in Indonesia to become an economic powerhouse and create products that are able to compete in the global market," he said.

Darmono further explained, "For us in Jababeka, this is a shared market opportunity. That's why Jababeka, as an industrial estate developer, will fully support this collaboration." One of the opportunities that are open, said Darmono, is in the transportation industry. Currently in the Jababeka industrial area, many companies produce motorized vehicle spare parts. He also saw that Australia had many experts who mastered component manufacturing technology. "The Indonesia-Australia collaboration will open up great opportunities in the development of electric vehicles that are ready to compete in the global market," Darmono said.


This webinar is a collaboration between the Jababeka Group and the Australia Indonesia Business Council. Apart from Darmono, other speakers were Moeldoko, the Chief of Indonesian Presidential Staff and founder of PT Mobil Anak Bangsa Indonesia, Alison Duncan (Minister-Counselor for Economic, Investment & Infrastructure from the Australian Embassy), Philip Turtle (President of the Australian Indonesia Business Council), and Rizal Affandi Lukman who is Deputy for the Coordination of International Economic Cooperation of the Republic of Indonesia. (SL)



IA-CEPA Buka Peluang Kolaborasi Indonesia-Australia di Sektor Manufaktur


Berlaku sejak Juli 2020, Indonesia–Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) membawa banyak peluang bagi Indonesia. Ini diungkapkan SD Darmono, pendiri Grup Jababeka dan President University, dalam webinar bertajuk “Indonesia–Australia Economic Cooperation and Industrial Collaboration to Serve the Global Market”, Rabu (18/11). Katanya, “Kita dapat memanfaatkan kesempatan ini dengan mengkombinasikan teknologi maju dari Australia dengan potensi manufaktur di Indonesia untuk menjadi economic powerhouse dan menciptakan produk yang bersaing pasar global,” tuturnya.

Lebih lanjut Darmono menjelaskan, “Bagi kami di Jababeka, ini adalah peluang pasar bersama (shared market opportunity). Itu sebabnya Jababeka, sebagai pengembang kawasan industri, akan mendukung penuh kolaborasi ini.“ Salah satu peluang yang terbuka, tutur Darmono, adalah di industri transportasi. Saat ini di kawasan industri Jababeka banyak perusahaan yang memproduksi komponen kendaraan bermotor. Ia juga melihat Australia memiliki banyak ahli yang menguasai teknologi pembuatan komponen. “Kolabaorasi Indonesia-Australia akan membuka peluang besar dalam pengembangan kendaraan-kendaraan listrik yang siap bersaing di pasar global,” tegas Darmono.

Webinar ini merupakan kolaborasi antara Grup Jababeka dan Australia Indonesia Business Council. Selain Darmono, pembicara lainnya adalah Moeldoko, Kepala Staf Kepresidenan RI yang sekaligus pendiri PT Mobil Anak Bangsa Indonesia, Alison Duncan (Minister-Counsellor for Economic, Investment & Infrastructure dari Kedutaan Besar Australia), Philip Turtle (Presiden Australia Indonesia Business Council), dan Rizal Affandi Lukman yang Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Kerja Sama Ekonomi Internasional Republik Indonesia. (SL)