Published: 24 Apr 2020

In the spirit of supporting our community to survive in this challenging situation, lecturers and staff of President University initiate Kampus President Peduli. This movement is conducted voluntarily by distributing daily basic food parcels, consist of rice, flour, sugar, coffee, tea, condensed milk, sardines, soy sauce, noodles, chicken eggs, and cooking oil to people who are directly or indirectly affected by COVID-19.

The distribution was first started on 8 April 2020 and was carried out every day for five working days, from Monday to Friday starting at 10.00. President University's motorbike parking area was chosen as a place for the distribution so that the effort can be easily seen by residents, motorcycle taxi drivers, street vendors, or other people in need, who pass by President University.

Ajie Kawentar, represents the Kampus Peduli team, explained that this movement will be continued for a minimum of one month starting from 8 April 2020. In the technical implementation, both the team that distributed the daily basic foods and the people who came to get the daily basic foods are continued to practice physical distancing and enforce hygiene practices.

Kampus President Peduli team also invites the lecturers, staff, and students to join this movement by sending the money donation to BCA 8730671955 (Whereson Helpme W. Siringoringo) or basic food donation to the President University building. (SL/APW)



President University Bagikan Sembako ke Sopir Ojek dan Masyarakat Sekitar Kampus


Dalam semangat untuk membantu masyarakat sekitar bertahan dalam situasi krisis akibat COVID-19, dosen dan tenaga kependidikan President University menginisiasi Kampus Peduli. Gerakan ini dilakukan secara sukarela dengan memberikan sembako, terdiri dari beras, terigu, gula pasir, kopi, teh, susu kental manis, sarden, kecap, mie, telor ayam, dan minyak goreng kepada orang-orang terdampak COVID-19.

Pembagian pertama kali dimulai pada 8 April 2020 dan dilakukan setiap hari selama lima hari kerja, dari Senin – Jumat mulai pukul 10.00 WIB. Area parkir motor President University dipilih sebagai tempat pembagian sembako agar mudah terlihat oleh warga, sopir ojek, pedagang keliling, atau orang-orang lain yang membutuhkan, yang lewat di sekitar President University.

Ajie Kawentar, mewakili tim operasional Kampus Peduli menjelaskan kegiatan pembagian ini akan terus berlangsung minimum selama satu bulan terhitung sejak tanggal 8 April 2020. Dalam teknis pelaksanaannya, baik tim yang membagikan di lapangan maupun masyarakat yang datang mengambil sembako, tetap mempraktikkan physical distancing dan standar kebersihan yang tinggi.

Tim Kampus President Peduli juga mengundang seluruh dosen, staf, dan mahasiswa untuk menjadi bagian dalam gerakan ini dengan mengirimkan bantuan dana ke rekening BCA 8730671955 (Whereson Helpme W. Siringoringo) atau paket sembako ke gedung President University. (SL)