Published: 27 Mar 2020

As positive numbers of COVID-19 cases increase, medical staff and volunteers in the health sector face challenges. Those who were at the frontline of the battle against COVID-19 currently do not have adequate armor. Medical equipment such as masks and gloves are running low, while the need to treat COVID-19 patients keeps increasing.

In response to this, President University is supporting President University Foundation in raising funds for medical staff who are treating COVID-19 patients in Indonesia.

"President University is committed to helping everyone overcome COVID-19, which has affected the entire country. What we can do, we have to do it. Together with all units in President University Foundation, Jababeka, and other public figures, this effort also serves as the embodiment of our empathy towards those affected by the pandemic," said the Rector of President University Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto.

"For now, the funds will be used to provide medical staff the basic needs such as personal protective equipment, face mask, and hand sanitizer. It is possible that further assistance or aid will be given in other forms. Until the pandemic subsides, the aid is distributed to anyone who needs it," he continued.

Prof. Jony encourages all members of President University to always spread kindness and positive news to the community, as well as to continue praying that this virus will be cast out from Indonesia. (SL)


Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas Presiden Galang Dana untuk Membantu Tim Medis Perangi COVID-19


Seiring dengan meningkatnya angka positif kasus COVID-19, tenaga medis dan relawan di bidang kesehatan menghadapi kesulitan. Mereka yang menjadi tentara di garis terdepan dalam peperangan melawan COVID-19 saat ini tidak memiliki baju perang yang memadai. Peralatan medis seperti masker dan sarung tangan semakin menipis, sementara kebutuhan untuk merawat pasien COVID-19 semakin tinggi.

Menanggapi ini, President University di bawah naungan Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas Presiden (YPUP) menggalang dana bagi tenaga medis di Indonesia.

“President University berkomitmen untuk membantu mengatasi COVID-19 yang melanda seluruh bangsa Indonesia. Apa yang bisa kita lakukan, kita lakukan. Bersama seluruh unit di bawah YPUP, Jababeka, dan tokoh masyarakat lainnya, hal ini juga dilakukan sebagai bentuk nyata kepedulian terhadap bencana yang sedang terjadi di bangsa kita,” ujar Rektor President University Prof. Dr, Jony Oktavian Haryanto.

“Saat ini, bantuan diutamakan dalam bentuk alat pelindung diri (APD), masker, dan hand sanitizer. Tidak menutup kemungkinan bantuan selanjutnya akan diberikan dalam bentuk yang lain. Sampai pandemi ini mereda, bantuan dibagikan kepada siapa saja yang membutuhkan,” lanjutnya.

Prof. Jony mengajak keluarga besar President University untuk terus menebarkan kebaikan dan berita positif kepada masyarakat, juga terus berdoa agar virus ini segera dilalukan dari Indonesia. (SL)