Published: 24 Mar 2020

In accordance with the government's direction to practice social distancing, the thesis defense at President University was held online. This change then was responded positively by Benedictus Yose Giovan Putra, a student majoring in Information Technology, President University batch 2016.

Yose, his nickname, is the first President University student whose thesis defense was conducted online on 17 March 2020.

"In my opinion, face-to-face and online defense have the same quality. I can still present the application that I made to fulfill my bachelor's degree studies well and get a satisfying result," he said. “The university and Faculty of Computing also guide me well in the preparation process that uses Cisco Webex, a video conference application,” he continued.

Presenting a thesis entitled “AIMA: Analysis on Online Marketplaces using Web Scraping and Fuzzy Logic with Tsukamoto Method”, this man who was born in Jakarta, 22 years ago, was once worried about technical problems that might happen in the online thesis defense.

"When I was first informed about the online thesis defense using the Cisco Webex video conference application, I didn't know how to react to this information, whether I had to be happy or sad, because that was a new experience for me, I haven’t seen any of my friends experienced it before. Moreover, I was afraid that would be a power outage or a sudden internet jam in the middle of the defense," he said.

Despite having concerns about technical issues that might be happening, Yose admitted his nervousness was slightly disappeared because he conducted his thesis defense at home. "When I was having an online defense at home at that time, I felt more relaxed because it felt the same as when I was practicing my presentation in my bedroom. My mom is also happy because she can support me and watch this online defense," he said.

Staying at home does not make President University students lower their enthusiasm for learning. Just like Yose, the other final year President University students still strive to prepare for their online thesis defense. (SL)


Penguji dan Mahasiswa Bertemu Secara Online, Sidang Skripsi Tetap Berjalan Lancar


Mengikuti arahan pemerintah untuk mempraktikkan social distancing, sidang skripsi di President University diadakan secara online. Perubahan metode sidang skripsi ini ditanggapi postif oleh para mahasiswa, salah satunya Benedictus Yose Giovan Putra, mahasiswa jurusan Teknik Informatika President University angkatan 2016.

Pria yang akrab dipanggil Yose ini merupakan mahasiswa President University pertama yang sidang skripsinya dilakukan secara online pada 17 Maret 2020 lalu.

“Menurut saya, sidang tatap muka dan sidang online memiliki kualitas yang sama. Saya tetap bisa mempresentasikan aplikasi yang saya buat untuk pemenuhan tugas akhir dengan baik dan mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan,” ujarnya. “Pihak kampus dan fakultas juga membimbing dan mengarahkan dengan baik selama proses persiapan sidang skripsi online yang menggunakan aplikasi video conference Cisco Webex ini,” lanjutnya.

Mempresentasikan hasil skripsi yang berjudul “AIMA: Analysis on Online Marketplaces using Web Scraping and Fuzzy Logic with Tsukamoto Method”, pria kelahiran Jakarta, 22 tahun yang lalu ini sempat khawatir akan adanya gangguan teknis saat sidang skripsi online.

“Saat pertama diinfokan mengenai sidang skripsi online, saya tidak tahu harus senang atau sedih karena ini pengalaman baru, belum ada teman saya yang menjalani sidang online. Terlebih, saya takut tiba-tiba mati lampu atau internetnya macet,” ujarnya.

Meski memiliki kekhawatiran mengenai hal-hal teknis, Yose mengaku kegugupannya sedikit berkurang karena ia melaksanakan sidang skripsinya di rumah. “Saat sidang online di rumah kemarin, saya merasa lebih calm and relax karena rasanya sama seperti saat saya sedang latihan presentasi di kamar. Orangtua saya juga senang karena bisa ikut mendukung saya dan menyaksikan sidang online ini,” katanya.

Tinggal di rumah tidak membuat mahasiswa President University menurunkan semangat belajarnya. Sama seperti Yose, mahasiswa President University tingkat akhir lainnya masih terus semangat untuk mempersiapkan diri menjalani sidang skripsi onlinenya. (SL)