Published: 16 Jan 2020

Two lecturers from the Faculty of Business President University earned a doctoral degree recently. Both earned a doctoral degree at a relatively young age, namely 31 and 32 years old.

Jean Richard Jokhu, a lecturer of the Management Study Program in the Faculty of Business, earned a doctoral degree after conducting research for approximately three years. Jean was declared to have passed the Doctoral Program in Management of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Indonesia (UI) in an academic defense at the FEB UI Postgraduate Auditorium, Depok, West Java, Monday (1/13).

In his dissertation entitled "Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Stratejik secara Heuristik terhadap Project Output (Studi Empirik pada UKM Konstruksi di Papua)”, he explained that the limitations of information and the dynamic environment did not affect SME companies to take on projects in Papua because there were alternative heuristic decisions as an alternative choice for completing a project.

Jean who is the alumnus of President University batch 2006 also said that regulations are needed to manage cooperation between large companies and local companies in building infrastructure in Papua. This is important so that companies and local communities can be developed with the latest knowledge and insight from large companies.

He said he was happy and relieved to finish this academic defense. He said, "I feel relieved because now I can focus on developing the model so that it will be applicable for the government and the private companies."

Besides Jean, Adhi Setyo Santoso, a lecturer of the Business Administration Study Program in the Business Faculty also earned a doctoral degree at the same place a month earlier (12/17).

With a dissertation entitled "The Role of Effectual Logic on Open Innovation: An Empirical Study of Indonesian Multi-Sided Platform Firms", Adhi who is also the Director of President University's Business Incubator argued that digital startups companies with multi-sided platform models are able to achieve high innovation performance even though they have limited resources and experience because they practice open innovation. He explained, “This open innovation is meant to maximize the knowledge, resources, and ideas of its platform ecosystem members with an effectual logic approach that promotes interactive and structured innovation. The innovation process builds integrating capabilities that can create a win-win business model with members of the platform ecosystem.”

The Dean Faculty of Business President University Maria Jacinta Arquisola, B.A., Ph.D., MHRM said that the presence of these two talented young doctors is expected to bring newer perspectives and newer ways of teaching and research that can be used to upgrade students’ knowledge and skills. “I believe that having young doctors in our faculty serves as an inspiration to younger academics to follow the same path. They can help improve teaching in tandem where senior lecturers can be paired with junior lecturers. This brings dynamic synergies to the classroom environment that aid student learning and development,” she said. (SL)



Dua Doktor Baru Siap Memperkuat Fakultas Bisnis President University di Tahun 2020

Gelar doktor telah diraih dua dosen dari Fakultas Bisnis President University baru-baru ini. Keduanya meraih gelar doktor di usia yang masih terbilang muda, yaitu 31 dan 32 tahun.

Jean Richard Jokhu, dosen Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Bisnis berhasil meraih gelar doktor setelah melakukan penelitian selama kurang lebih tiga tahun. Jean dinyatakan lulus program Doktoral Ilmu Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Indonesia (UI) dalam sidang akademik di Auditorium Pascasarjana FEB UI, Depok, Jawa Barat, Senin (13/1).

Dalam disertasi yang berjudul “Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Stratejik secara Heuristik terhadap Project Output (Studi Empirik pada UKM Konstruksi di Papua)”, ia menjelaskan bahwa keterbatasan informasi dan lingkungan yang dinamis tidak mempengaruhi perusahaan UKM untuk mengambil proyek di Papua karena ada alternatif keputusan heuristik sebagai alternatif pilihan untuk menyelesaikan suatu proyek.

Alumni President University angkatan 2006 ini juga mengatakan bahwa dibutuhkan regulasi untuk mengatur kerja sama antara perusahaan besar dan perusahan lokal dalam membangun infrastruktur di Papua. Hal ini penting dilakukan supaya perusahaan dan masyarakat lokal dapat berkembang dengan adanya transfer ilmu dan pengetahuan dari perusahaan besar.

Ia mengaku senang dan lega telah mendapatkan gelar doktor ini. Ia mengatakan, “Rasanya plong dan lega karena akhirnya sekarang bisa fokus ke pengembangan model sehingga menjadi aplikatif bagi pemerintah dan swasta.”

Selain Jean, Adhi Setyo Santoso, dosen Program Studi Bisnis Administrasi Fakultas Bisnis juga mendapatkan gelar doktor di tempat yang sama sebulan sebelumnya (17/12).

Dengan disertasi yang berjudul “The Role of Effectual Logic on Open Innovation: An Empirical Study of Indonesian Multi-Sided Platform Firms”, Direktur Inkubator Bisnis President University ini menjelaskan bahwa perusahaan digital startups dengan model multi-sided platform mampu mencapai kinerja inovasi yang tinggi walau sumber daya dan pengalamannya terbatas karena adanya open innovation. Lebih lanjut, ia menjelaskan, “Open innovation ini memaksimalkan pengetahuan, sumber daya, dan ide dari anggota ekosistem platformnya dengan pendekatan effectual logic yang mengedepankan inovasi iteraktif dan terstruktur. Adapun proses inovasi ini membangun kemampuan integrasi yang dapat menciptakan win-win business model dengan para anggota ekosistem platformnya.”

Hadirnya kedua doktor muda berbakat ini diharapkan dapat memperkuat Fakultas Bisnis President University sehingga dapat menghasilkan lulusan-lulusan yang terbaik. (SL)