Published: 17 Oct 2019

The act of maintaining and expressing gratefulness toward Indonesia's independence as a sovereign nation is a bridge to the vision of Golden Indonesia in 2045. Improving the quality of human resources with nationalist and adaptive characteristics toward development is needed to support the realization of that vision.

The aforementioned statement was delivered by the Member of the Steering Committee of Pancasila Ideology Development Board, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mahfud M.D., S.H., S.U. in a general lecture with the theme "State Defending and the Strengthening Pancasila Values" organized by the International Relations Study Program of President University and its student association at the President University Convention Center, Cikarang, West Java on Thursday 17 October 2019.

This general lecture is part of a commemoration series of the 10th Anniversary of International Relations Study Program of President University, to which this general lecture is scheduled to be an annual event at President University at the beginning of freshmen’s school year.

This general lecture was attended by the Chairperson of President University Foundation Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Susilo Soepandji, D.E.A., Secretary of President University Foundation Dr. Ir. Chairy, S.E., M.M., Minister of Manpower and Transmigration (2005-2009) Dr. Ir. H. Erman Soeparno, MBA, M.Si, the Rector of President University Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto, and President University's academics.

The event started with remarks from the Head of the International Relations Study Program Drs. Muhammad A.S. Hikam, M.A., Ph.D. who also served as the Minister of State for Research and Technology in the Persatuan Nasional Cabinet (1999-2001). According to Hikam, the theme played an important role in strengthening the life and spirit of state defending primarily for students in solving problems that exist in Indonesia today.

In this general lecture, Mahfud who was also the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia for the period of 2008-2013 said that the independence that was achieved at this time was due to the unity of Indonesia.  "Indonesia is the only country in the world that is independent because its people were united to drive out the colonialists," Mahfud said, quoting the Chairman & Founder of PT. Jababeka, Tbk. and President University S.D. Darmono in one of his books.

According to Mahfud, the progressive revolutionary step of young people to accelerate the proclamation was one way to prevent the system of granting independence from Japan to Indonesia. Therefore, the task of youth today is to maintain independence by fostering an attitude of nationalism and Unity in Diversity or Bhinneka Tunggal Ika through state defending based on the values of Pancasila that is independent, united, sovereign, just, and prosperous with its geopolitics.

"Oftentimes, the form of state defending is only interpreted conventionally and is associated with the Indonesian National Armed Forces and Indonesian National Police," said Mahfud. "Whereas according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia state defending is also part of the total defense system where all citizens are part of the instruments in defending the country, especially university students who play the role as the agents of change," he continued. To close the lecture, Mahfud emphasized the role of universities to create better human resources, master science, and technology, and be ready to face the industrial revolution by fostering the spirit of national defense. (LO/APW)


Mahfud MD: Mahasiswa Instrumen Utama Bela Negara  

Menjaga kemerdekaan Indonesia sebagai negara yang berdaulat serta mensyukuri kemerdekaan merupakan jembatan menuju visi Indonesia Emas pada 2045.  Peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia unggul yang berkarakter nasionalis dan adaptif terhadap perkembangan diperlukan untuk dapat menunjang tercapainya visi tersebut.

Hal di atas  dikemukakan oleh Anggota Dewan Pengarah Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mahfud M.D., S.H., S.U. dalam kuliah umum bertemakan “Bela Negara dan Penguatan Nilai Pancasila” yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi dan Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional President University di President University Convention Center, Cikarang, Jawa Barat pada Kamis, 17 Oktober 2019.

Selain merupakan bagian dari rangkaian peringatan HUT ke-10 Prodi Hubungan Internasional President University, kuliah umum ini diagendakan sebagai kegiatan tahunan President University di awal masa perkuliahan.

Kuliah umum ini dihadiri oleh Ketua Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas Presiden Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Susilo Soepandji, D.E.A., Sekretaris Yayasan Pendidikan Universitas Presiden Dr. Ir. Chairy, S.E., M.M., Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (2005-2009) Dr. Ir. H. Erman Soeparno, MBA, M.Si, Rektor President University Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto, serta jajaran sivitas akademika President University.

Acara dibuka dengan sambutan dari Kepala Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Drs. Muhammad A.S. Hikam, M.A., Ph.D yang juga menjabat Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi pada Kabinet Persatuan Nasional (1999-2001). Menurut Hikam, tema yang diangkat memainkan peranan penting dalam mengokohkan kehidupan dan semangat bela negara utamanya terhadap mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan persoalan yang ada di Indonesia saat ini.

Dalam kuliah umumnya, Mahfud yang juga Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi periode 2008-2013 mengatakan bahwa kemerdekaan yang dicapai saat ini ada karena Indonesia bersatu. “Indonesia adalah satu-satunya negara di dunia yang merdeka karena masyarakatnya bersatu mengusir penjajah,” ungkap Mahfud mengutip pernyataan Chairman & Founder PT. Jababeka dan President University S.D. Darmono dalam salah satu bukunya.

Menurut Mahfud, langkah “progressive revolutioner” para pemuda untuk mempercepat proklamasi adalah salah satu cara untuk mencegah sistem pemberian kemerdekaan dari Jepang kepada Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, tugas pemuda saat ini adalah menjaga kemerdekaan dengan menumbuhkan sikap nasionalisme dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika melalui bela negara berdasarkan Pancasila yang merdeka, bersatu, berdaulat, adil, dan makmur dengan geopolitiknya.

“Seringkali bentuk bela negara hanya diartikan secara konvensional dan dikaitkan dengan TNI dan Polri,” kata Mahfud. “Padahal menurut UUD 1945 bela negara mencakup Sistem Pertahanan Keamanan Rakyat Semesta (Sishankamrata) di mana semua warga negara merupakan instrumen dalam membela negara, utamanya mahasiswa yang notabenenya adalah agen perubahan,” lanjutnya. Sebagai penutup, Mahfud menekankan peran universitas untuk mencetak sumber daya unggul, menguasai IPTEK, dan siap menghadapi revolusi industri dengan menumbuhkan semangat kehidupan bela negara. (LO/APW)