Published: 17 Oct 2019

Good news came from President University's management students, batch 2016. The team who consists of Rizky Aldi Rahdino, as the team leader, along with Muhammad Faikar T.L. and Irene Angelia Tumbel won 2nd place in the 2019 Economic Innovation on Scientific Competition (EINSTEIN) at UNESA, Surabaya (13/10).

With the guidance from the Head of Management Study Program President University Dr. Dra. Genoveva, M.M., President University’s team raised the issue of Indonesia as the second plastic waste donor country after China. This problem is related to Bogor Mayor Regulation No. 61/2018 concerning the prohibition of using plastic waste in shopping centers and modern markets. This mindset was poured into a paper entitled "The Influence of Environmental Knowledge, Green Purchase Intention and Customer Satisfaction toward Customer Loyalty (an Empirical Study of Bogor Mayoral Regulation No. 61/2018)"

"This paper aims to determine the relationship of environmental knowledge, green purchase intentions, and customer satisfaction to the loyalty of customers from shopping centers and modern markets who are trying to implement the Bogor government regulations," Rizky said.

Based on research, the team also found a surprising result where knowledge about the environment did not affect people's awareness of the dangers of plastic waste. The team stated that customer satisfaction was the main point so they suggested giving "rewards" or incentives to bolster up. The team also stated that regulation no. 61/2018 is considered quite effective in reducing plastic waste in the Bogor area.

Rizky added, "The hope is that in the future Indonesian people will be more concerned about the environment. Because based on data, Indonesia is the 2nd largest contributor, even though our population is only ranked 4th.” (MS/CA)



Mahasiswa President University Raih Juara 2 dalam Economic Innovation on Scientific Competition (EINSTEIN) 2019


Kabar menggembirakan datang dari mahasiswa manajemen President University angkatan 2016. Tim yang terdiri dari Rizky Aldi Rahdino, sebagai team leader, beserta Muhammad Faikar T.L. dan Irene Angelia Tumbel berhasil mendapatkan juara 2 dalam Economic Innovation on Scientific Competition (EINSTEIN) 2019 di UNESA, Surabaya (13/10/2019).

Di bawah bimbingan Kepala Program Studi jurusan Manajemen Dr. Dra. Genoveva, M.M., tim President University mengangkat permasalahan mengenai Indonesia sebagai negara penyumbang sampah plastik kedua terbanyak setelah China. Masalah inilah yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan regulasi Walikota Bogor No. 61/2018 tentang pelarangan penggunan sampah plastik pada pusat perbelanjaan dan pasar modern. Pola pikir ini akhirnya dituangkan kedalam sebuah makalah berjudul “The Influence of Environmental Knowledge, Green Purchase Intention and Customer Satisfaction toward Customer Loyalty (an Empirical Study of Bogor Mayoral Regulation No. 61/2018)”.

“Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang lingkungan, Green Purchase intention, dan kepuasan konsumen terhadap tingkat loyalitas konsumen pusat perbelanjaan dan pasar modern yang mencoba mengimplementasikan regulasi pemerintah Bogor” ujar Rizky.

Berdasarkan riset, tim pun menemukan hasil yang mengejutkan dimana pengetahuan mengenai lingkungan tidak mempengaruhi kesadaran warga akan bahaya sampah plastik. Tim menyatakan bahwa kepuasan konsumenlah yang menjadi poin utamanya sehingga mereka menyarankan pemberian reward atau insentif untuk menunjang. Tim juga menyatakan bahwa regulasi No. 61/2018 dinilai cukup efektif dalam mengurangi sampah plastik di daerah Bogor.

Rizky mengungkapkan, “Harapannya supaya  masyarakat Indonesia dapat lebih perhatian terhadap lingkungan. Karena berdasarkan data, Indonesia merupakan penyumbang terbesar kedua, padahal jumlah penduduk kita hanya menduduki peringkat ke 4 terbanyak.” (MS/CA)