Published: 11 Sep 2019

The Choir of President University called D'Chorpus has successfully made President University proud in Penabur International Choir Festival (PICF) 2019 on September 3-7, 2019. From 11 categories that were being competed, D'Chorpus participated in Mixed Youth Choir category and managed to snatch the silver medal. Besides D’Chorpus, 151 choir teams from five countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Japan, and Vietnam) participated in the event. Held by BPK Penabur (an education institution), the festival was judged by 12 people from 10 countries.

Led by Ryandall Glevin Manurung as the conductor, D'Chorpus performed three songs entitled Io Mi Son Giovinetta (Caludio Monteverdi), The Bluebird (Charles Villiers Stanford), and Kasar Mie La Gaji (Alberto Grau).

The project manager of D'Chorpus Goes to PICF 2019 Calvin Kumambong revealed that this victory set a new milestone in the history of the Choir of President University.

“We are very grateful to get this medal as it is the first international achievement obtained by the Choir of President University since it was established,” said Calvin.

He also mentioned that it was not easy to obtain this achievement. They had been practicing since a few months ago.

“It was not easy to get this achievement, there was a long and tiring practicing process also conflicts in it. Although it was not easy, we managed to solve it with a big heart so that produce results that could be considered quite satisfying,” Calvin added. (AN/SL)



Unit kegiatan mahasiswa Choir President University yang disebut D'Chorpus berhasil menorehkan prestasi membanggakan dalam Penabur International Choir Festival (PICF) 2019 ke-4 pada tanggal 3-7 September 2019 di Jakarta. Dari 11 kategori yang dipertandingkan, D'Chorpus mengikuti kategori Mixed Youth Choir dan berhasil meraih medali perak. Selain D'Chorpus, 152 tim paduan suara yang berasal dari 5 negara (Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Jepang, dan Vietnam) berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi ini. Diadakan oleh BPK Penabur (sebuah institusi pendidikan), para peserta dinilai oleh 12 juri dari 10 negara.

Dipimpin oleh Ryandall Glevin Manurung sebagai konduktor, D'Chorpus membawakan tiga lagu berjudul Io Mi Son Giovinetta (Caludio Monteverdi), The Bluebird (Charles Villiers Stanford), dan Kasar Mie La Gaji (Alberto Grau).

Project Manager D'Chorpus Goes to PICF 2019 Calvin Kumambong mengungkapkan bahwa kemenangan ini mencetak sejarah baru bagi Choir President University.

“Kami sangat bersyukur karena kemenangan ini merupakan yang pertama di kancah internasional sejak Choir President University dibentuk,” jelasnya.

Ia pun menjelaskan bahwa kemenangan ini tidak diraih dengan mudah. Mereka telah berlatih dengan giat sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu.

“Kemenangan ini bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dicapai, ada proses latihan yang melelahkan dan ada banyak konflik di dalamnya. Meski begitu, kami berhasil menyelesaikannya dengan hati yang tenang sehingga meraih hasil yang bisa dibilang cukup memuaskan,” tambah Calvin Kumambong. (AN/SL)