
Becoming a distinguished accounting study program that accommodates diverse fields and equips students with multicultural perspective, entrepreneurial mindset, and global competitiveness in 2030.

Menjadi Program Studi Akuntansi unggul di tahun 2030 yang mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan bisnis, berwawasan global, multikultural, dan berjiwa kewirausahaan.


  1. Organizing a quality education process which is adherent to the development of science;
  2. Producing professional accountants with entrepreneurial mindsets;
  3. Conducting research which is in accordance with the needs of the business world and is beneficial for the development of science; and
  4. Developing cooperation with stakeholders and applying knowledge in community service activities.


  1. Menyelenggarakan proses pendidikan berkualitas dengan selalu mengikuti kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan;
  2. Menghasilkan akuntan profesional yang memiliki semangat kewirausahaan;
  3. Melakukan penelitian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dunia usaha dan bermanfaat bagi perkembangan ilmu; serta
  4. Mengembangkan kerjasama dengan stakeholders dan mengaplikasikan ilmu dalam bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat.

About the Study Program

The objectives of the Accounting Study Program are as follows:
1. Produce graduates who can meet the needs of the business world and public agencies;
2. Produce alumni who have leadership and entrepreneurial spirit;
3. Produce research and works that are beneficial to the community published in national and international scientific journals; and
4. Establish cooperation with professional organizations, the business world, and the government.

Professional Outcomess

The objectives of the Accounting Study Program are as follows:
1. Produce graduates who can meet the needs of the business world and public agencies;
2. Produce alumni who have leadership and entrepreneurial spirit;
3. Produce research and works that are beneficial to the community published in national and international scientific journals; and
4. Establish cooperation with professional organizations, the business world, and the government.

  • Mostly alumni of Accounting study program becoming Auditor Big 4 (EY, KPMG, Deloitte, PWC), Big 10 (BDO, Grant Thornton, Crowe Horwath, PKF), and other Public Accounting Firm.
  • Ministry of Finance.
  • Accountant in Company (Loreal, United Nations, Tokopedia).
  • Pursue Master Degree (UGM, UI, Wuhan University of China).
  • Investment Analyst


Program Leader

Mila Reyes, CPA., M.BA.


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