
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 10 Aug 2017

Cikarang, Indonesia – International Partnership Office of President University has hosted a meeting with Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) of Japan. The meeting was held on Tuesday (1/8) at President University, Cikarang and attended by three representatives from APU, Prof. Otake Toshitsugu (Dean of International Management of APU), Nakamua Nobuhiro (Manager of the Academic Office of APU), and Miwa Hitoshi (Internship coordinator in the Academic Office of APU). The purpose of the meeting is to implement the MoU that has already signed last year on July 2016 about the APU – PresUniv internship immersion programme.

President University will host 30 international students from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University of Japan. Their internship period will be from February until May 2018 which will include two kinds of internship programme. The first programme would be targeting Japanese students of APU with an integrated programs of Bussiness English Literature, Cultural Immersion, Internship and special lecturers.

“The programme aims to encourage students to prepare well for the internship through integrated courses so that all the students who might struggle with their english ability can be successful,” said Otake.

The second is targeting International students of APU with a good english ability, the programme focuses more on hands-on job training and its academic outcome.

Hanif Widyanto, Director of International Partnerships Office of President University, explained that the cooperation between President University and APU is also under the responsibility of the Internships Career Center of President University, which has a duty for careers of APU students who will be Interns in several companies in Cikarang.

“I hope this cooperation could be better in the future and more good things will happen between the university. I also hope that President University can also send students to study and have their internship in Japan in the near future”, said Hanif.

During their visit to President University, representatives from APU were invited to tour the campus facilities such as Adam Kurniawan Library, President University Medical Center, PUSH (President University Students Housing), Elvis Tower, and Jababeka Golf & Swimming pool. They also did a company visit to PT. Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia and PT Mitsubishi Indonesia.

Hitoshi stated that he was so excited during their time visiting President University, they enjoyed the food and also the hospitality and they believe that all the supports from President University will enrich the partnerships between both universities in the future.

“As we are sending our student on the next February, I believe we can create a brighter future together”, said Miwa. (YE)

Cikarang, IndonesiaInternational Partnership Office President University telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) of Japan. Pertemuan diadakan pada hari Selasa (1/8) di President University, Cikarang dan dihadiri oleh tiga perwakilan dari APU, Otake Toshitsugu (Dean of International Management of APU), Nakamua Nobuhiro (Manager of the Academic Office of APU), dan Miwa Hitoshi (Internship coordinator in the Academic Office of APU). Pertemuan ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengimplementasikan MOU yang telah ditanda-tangani tahun lalu pada bulan Juli 2016 tentang program magang dari APU untuk President University.

President University menjadi tuan rumah untuk 30 siswa internasional dari Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University of Japan (APU). Periode magang mereka akan dimulai dari bulan Februari sampai Mei 2018 dan akan dibagi menjadi dua jenis program magang. Program yang pertama ditargetkan bagi mahasiswa Jepang dari APU dengan program terpadu Bisnis Bahasa Inggris, cultural immersion, internship dan special lecturers.

Program ini bertujuan untuk mendorong mahasiswa agar dapat mempersiapkan diri dengan baik untuk program magang melalui kursus terpadu, sehingga setiap mahasiswa yang mungkin masih berjuang dalam kemampuan Bahasa Inggrisnya akan dapat berhasil dalam pekerjaannya”, ujar Otake.

Program yang kedua ditargetkan bagi mahasiswa internasional dari APU dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik. Program ini lebih berfokus pada pelatihan kerja langsung dan hasil akademisnya.

Hanif Widyanto selaku Direktur Kantor Kerja Sama Internasional, menjelaskan bahwa kerjasama President University dengan APU juga berada di bawah tanggung jawab Internships and Career Center President University, yang memiliki tugas untuk karir para mahasiswa APU yang akan magang di beberapa perusahaan di Cikarang.

“Saya berharap kerja sama ini dapat menjadi lebih baik kedepannya dan akan lebih banyak hal-hal baik lainnya di masa depan dalam hubungan ini. Semoga President University juga dapat segera mengirimkan mahasiswa untuk belajar maupun menjalani magang di Jepang dalam waktu dekat ini”, said Hanif.

Selama kunjungan ke President University, para perwakilan dari APU diajak untuk berkeliling melihat fasilitas kampus seperti Adam Kurniawan Library, President University Medical Center, PUSH (President University Students Housing), Elvis Tower, dan Jababeka Golf & Swimming Pool. Mereka juga melakukan kunjungan ke beberapa perusahaan seperti PT. Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia dan PT Mitsubishi Indonesia.

Miwa Hitoshi menyatakan bahwa dia sangat menikmati kunjungannya ke President University, mereka menikmati makanan dan juga keramahtamahan yang ditunjukkan. Mereka juga percaya bahwa semua dukungan dari President University akan memperkaya hasil kerja sama kedua pihak di masa depan.

"Melalui mahasiswa kami yang akan datang di Bulan Februari mendatang, Saya percaya kita bisa menciptakan masa depan yang lebih cerah bersama-sama", ungkap Miwa. (YE)