
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 30 Apr 2019

President University made it into the top 5 of National University Debating Championship (NUDC) 2019 from LLDIKTI region IV (West Java and Banten). This debate competition was held by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) on 25-27 April 2019 at Widyatama University, Bandung. The President University team consists of 2 debaters and 1 adjudicator, who are Muh. Rendy Utomo Rachim, Rey Abraham, and I Putu Bagus Dimas Pranata from International Relations study program.

In this English debate competition, Muh. Rendy Utomo Rachim crowned as the best speaker and I Putu Bagus Dimas Pranata as the breaking adjudicator. This achievement is quite encouraging, considering that President University has only participated in this competition for three times. Even so, their struggle is not over yet.

Lambok Hermanto Sihombing, SS., M.Hum., the coach of the President University debate team revealed, "By becoming the top 5 out of 60 universities, our team proceed to the national round and later will compete against 112 universities throughout Indonesia."

The national round of NUDC 2019 competition will be held on July 14-19, 2019 at Airlangga University, Surabaya. Later, the team that won the top 4 will represent Indonesia at the prestigious World University Debating Championship (WUDC) 2019 in Thailand.

"The hope is that the President University team will reach the top 4 and go to Thailand in December. Of course, this is not an easy matter because the topic of the debate also covers all fields. However, I am sure our students have more than enough capability to compete with other regular winners in this NUDC," Lambok said.

Besides NUDC, the regional round of Indonesian Student Debate Competition (KDMI) 2019 was also held by the Kemenristekdikti on April 22-24, 2019 at the same place. The President University team consists of Febryan Sukma Limanus, Joshua Mahawira Aswinabawa, Gita Ardynmas Mertawan, and Ni Putu Andini Siddi Pratiwi. In KDMI 2019, President University got third place. Unfortunately, only the top two ranks can advance to the national round. Although they cannot proceed to the next round, the President University team has successfully defeated dozens of national universities in West Java and Banten.



Lambok claimed he is proud of the good achievements in every competition in the latest three years. Through this consistency, he hopes that more students will join the President University debate club. He explained that the club was open to active students from all majors. Beside reinforcing critical thinking, participating in a debate club will also broaden students' insight because as debaters they will be forced to read more and obtain information as much as possible.



President University berhasil masuk menjadi 5 besar National University Debating Championship (NUDC) 2019 tingkat regional dari LLDIKTI wilayah IV (Jawa Barat dan Banten). Kompetisi debat ini diadakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan (Ditjen Belmawa) Kemenristekdikti pada 25-27 April 2019 di Universitas Widyatama, Bandung. Tim President University terdiri dari 2 mahasiswa sebagai Debater dan 1 Adjudicator, yaitu Muh. Rendy Utomo Rachim, Rey Abraham, dan I Putu Bagus Dimas Pranata dimana ketiganya merupakan mahasiswa jurusan hubungan internasional.

Dalam kompetisi debat berbahasa Inggris ini, Muh. Rendy Utomo Rachim dinobatkan menjadi best speaker. Sedangkan I Putu Bagus Dimas Pranata berhasil menjadi breaking adjudicator. Pencapaian ini cukup membanggakan, mengingat President University baru mengikuti kompetisi ini untuk ketiga kalinya. Meski begitu, perjuangan mereka belum berakhir.

Lambok Hermanto Sihombing, SS., M.Hum. yang merupakan pelatih tim debat President University mengatakan, “Dengan menjadi 5 besar dari total 60 universitas, tim kita berhak untuk melaju ke babak nasional dan nantinya akan bertanding melawan 112 universitas di seluruh Indonesia.”

Kompetisi NUDC 2019 tingkat nasional akan diadakan pada 14-19 Juli 2019 di Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. Nantinya, tim yang berhasil meraih 4 besar akan mewakili Indonesia dalam ajang bergengsi World University Debating Championship (WUDC) 2019 di Thailand.

“Harapannya, tim President University dapat meraih 4 besar dan berangkat ke Thailand pada bulan Desember nanti. Tentunya ini bukan perkara mudah karena topik debatnya pun mencakup semua bidang. Namun, saya yakin mahasiswa kita sudah sangat mampu untuk bersaing dengan langganan-langganan juara dalam NUDC ini,” ujar Lambok.

Selain NUDC, Kompetisi Debat Mahasiswa Indonesia (KDMI) 2019 tingkat regional juga diadakan oleh Ditjen Belmawa Kemenristekdikti pada 22-24 April 2019 di tempat yang sama. Tim President University terdiri dari Febryan Sukma Limanus, Joshua Mahawira Aswinabawa, Gita Ardynmas Mertawan, dan Ni Putu Andini Siddi Pratiwi. Dalam KDMI 2019, President University berhasil meraih peringkat ketiga. Sayangnya, hanya peringkat dua teratas yang dapat melaju ke tingkat nasional. Meski belum berhasil melaju ke tingkat nasional, tim President University berhasil mengalahkan puluhan perguruan tinggi nasional di Jawa Barat dan Banten.

Lambok mengaku bangga karena selama tiga kali mengikuti kompetisi ini President University selalu berhasil menunjukkan pencapaian yang baik. Melalui konsistensi ini, Lambok berharap akan lebih banyak lagi mahasiswa bergabung dengan klub debat President University. Ia menjelaskan bahwa klub ini terbuka untuk mahasiswa aktif dari seluruh jurusan dan angkatan. Selain untuk membangun critical thinking, mengikuti klub debat juga akan membuka wawasan mahasiswa karena sebagai debater mereka akan dipaksa banyak membaca dan mencari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya.