
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 12 Nov 2018

The student of Civil Engineering Study Program of President University visited the project of elevated toll Cikampek II KM 15 400, Karawang, West Java, on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. The visit aimed to observe the pier-head reversal process using the Sosrobahu method. The field visit started from 8 pm to 12 am. The project belongs to Jasa Marga but constructed by PT Waskita Acset. 28 students accompanied by Roselina Rahmawati S.ST., MT., Head of Study Program of Civil Engineering, Ir.Prihartono Meng. Sc, Civil Engineering Lecturer attended the event and welcomed by Subagyo with all team members of PT Waskita Acset.

Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Sipil President University mengunjungi proyek Jalan Tol Cikampek II KM 15 400, Karawang, Jawa Barat pada Selasa, 6 Nopember 2018. Tujuan kunjungan adalah untuk melihat proses pemutaran pier-head menggunakan metode Sosrobahu. Kunjungan dimulai pukul 20.00 sampai 24.00 malam. Proyek tersebut adalah milik Jasa Marga namun dikerjakan oleh PT Waskita Acset. Kunjungan diikuti oleh 28 mahasiswa yang didampingi oleh Roselina Rahmawati S.ST., MT., Kepala Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Ir. Prihartono Meng. Sc., Dosen Teknik Sipil dan diterima oleh Subagyo beserta tim dari PT Waskita Acset.

In her speech, Roselina Rahmawati S.ST. M.T., Head of Civil Engineering said that the students of Civil Engineering should be gotten used to work in the field. Therefore, the students are trained from the first semester in order to prepare in the world of work.

Dalam sambutannya, Roselina Rahmawati S.ST., MT., Kepala Program Studi Teknik Sipil mengatakan bahwa mahasiswa Teknik Sipil harus terbiasa bekerja di lapangan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut mahasiswa dilatih sejak semester pertama untuk menyiapkan mahasiswa sebelum bekerja.

In his short presentation, Subagyo of PT Waskita Acset explained about the advantages of using the Sosrobahu Method specifically to reduce traffic jams during construction. The Sosrobahu Method utilizes the pressure produced by the compressor and it can easily rotate the piar-head. Subagyo also stated about work safety slogan of PT. Waskita Acset.

Dalam presentasi singkatnya, Subagyo, PT Waskita Acset menjelaskan tentang manfaat menggunakan metode Sosrobahu khususnya dalam mengurangi kemacetan saat konstruksi berlangsung. Metode Sosrobahu menggunakan tekanan yang dihasilkan kompresor sehingga mudah untuk memutar pier-head. Subagyo juga menjelaskan tentang slogan keselamatan kerja dari PT Waskita Acset.


PT Waskita Acset also distributed work safety equipment to all student of President University in order to fulfill the K3 procedure.

Tim PT Waskita Acset jufa mendistribusikan perlengkapan keselamatan kerja kepada semua mahasiswa President University sesuai prosedur K3.

Furthermore, the field visit closed by the handover of token of appreciation.

Selanjutnya, kunjungan diakhiri dengan pemberian sertifikat.