
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 24 Oct 2018

President University received a visit from the Colegio de la Purisima Concepción (CPC), the Philippines on Monday (22/10) at the President University campus, Cikarang and was welcomed by the Vice Rector for Communication and Partnerships, Handa Abidin, SH, LL.M., PhD. In the event, both parties were signed a memorandum of understanding in the field of tri dharma higher education; education, research and community service.

The visit began with the signing of the collaboration and continued with presentations from several departments of President University, such as Management study program, Internship and Career Center bureau, academic and administration bureau, and Software Development bureau.

Furthermore, the delegation visited the President's elementary, junior high, high school and several companies located nearby President University. “We are very happy to be here and we are looking forward for the best collaboration starting from exchange program and little by little we are moving to other areas such as research,” said Ryan B. Estillomo, Ph.D, Associate Principal Junior Basic Education of CPC.

President University menerima kunjungan dari Colegio de la Purisima Concepción (CPC), the Phillipines pada Monday (22/10) di kampus President University, Cikarang dan disambut oleh Wakil Rektor Bidang Komunikasi dan Kerja Sama, Handa Abidin, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D. Dalam kunjungan tersebut, kedua belah pihak menandatangani nota kesepahaman di bidang tri dharma perguruan tinggi yaitu pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.

Kunjungan diawali penanda tanganan kerja sama dan dilanjutkan dengan presentasi dari beberapa departemen yang ada di President University, seperti program studi Manajemen, biro Internship and Career Center, biro akademik dan administrasi, biro Software Development.

Selanjutnya, delegasi mengunjungi SD, SMP, SMA Presiden dan beberapa perusahaan yang terletak tak jauh dari President University. “Kami sangat senang berada di sini dan kami menantikan kolaborasi terbaik mulai dari program pertukaran dan sedikit demi sedikit merambah ke area lain seperti penelitian,” kata Ryan B. Estillomo, Ph.D, Associate Principal Junior Basic Education CPC.