
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 14 Sep 2018

Communication Study Program President University invited a well-known director, Fajar Bustomi in the "Film Production in Indonesia: Negotiating between Creativity and Film Market" seminar held at Charles Himawan Auditorium, President of Univesity (13/9). The event was attended by the Head of the Communication Study Program, Dindin Dimyati, S.Sos., M.M, and approximately 200 students and lecturers.

Fajar Bustomi is a famous director through the film "Dilan1990" which has been watched by more than six million people. On this occasion, he shared about his journey in starting a career in the film world and also provided tips for students who wanted a career in the same world.

He explained that to make a good film, the director must explore the story and feel the closeness to the story to make a tasteful film. "Don't make movies just because of money, we have to research so the film isn't tasteless," concluded Fajar.

In addition, Fajar revealed that he learned from the films he had made. "I like criticism. If there is no criticism, it would kill our career as a director," said Fajar.

The event was closed by the handover of a token appreciation and a group photo.

Program Study Komunikasi President University mengundang sutradara ternama, Fajar Bustomi dalam acara “Film Production in Indonesia: Negotiating between Creativity and Film Market” yang diselenggarakan di Charles Himawan Auditorium, President Univesity (13/9). Acara tersebut dihadiri oleh Ketua Program Studi Komunikasi, Dindin Dimyati, S.Sos., M.M dan setidaknya 200 mahasiswa serta dosen.

Fajar Bustomi merupakan sutradara yang terkenal melalui film “Dilan 1990” yang telah ditonton oleh lebih dari enam juta orang. Dalam kesempatan ini, Ia berbagi mengenai perjalanannya merintis karir di dunia film dan juga memberikan tips bagi mahasiswa yang ingin berkarir di dunia yang sama.

Ia menjelaskan bahwa untuk membuat film yang bagus, sutradara harus mengeksplor cerita tersebut dan merasakan kedekatan dengan cerita agar film tersebut mempunyai rasa. “Jangan membuat film hanya karena uang, kita harus riset agar filmnya tidak tasteless,” pungkas Fajar.

Selain itu, Fajar mengungkapkan bahwa Ia belajar dari film-film yang pernah dibuatnya. “Saya suka kritik. Justru kalau tidak ada kritik, nantinya akan membunuh karir kita sebagai sutradara,” ungkap Fajar.

Acara ditutup oleh penyerahan token apresiasi dan foto bersama.