
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 11 Jul 2018

A fire could happen at any time. To anticipate the spread of fire, President University held a training on the usage of Alat Pemadaman Api Ringan (APAR) at the parking area of President University on Tuesday (3/7). “Training on the usage of APAR aims to prevent panic during the fire,” said Yoga, General Affair Manager of President University. The participants were enthusiastic to learn about the theory and practice by a coach from CV. Putra Karya Mandiri, a firefighting equipment company. The training was about the types of APAR, how to usage of APAR, and the action needed during fire extinguishing.

Bencana kebakaran bisa terjadi setiap saat. Mengantipasi kebakaran semakin besar, karyawan President University menggelar pelatihan penggunaan Alat Pemadaman Api Ringan (APAR) di area parkir kampus President University, Selasa 3 Juli 2018. “Pelatihan penggunaan APAR bertujuan untuk mencegah rasa panik saat terjadi kebakaran,” jelas Yoga, General Affair President University. Karyawan President University terlihat antusias menyimak materi teori dan praktek yang diberikan oleh pelatih CV. Putra Karya Mandiri, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang peralatan pemadaman api. Pelatihan mengajarkan tentang jenis APAR, cara penggunaannya serta sikap yang harus diambil saat akan memadamkan api.