
What's happening in PresUniv

Published: 26 Jan 2018

Cikarang, Indonesia—On Thursday (25/1) lecturers and staff team of President University (PresUniv) visited PT Komatsu Undercarriage Indonesia (KUI). KUI is a subsidiary of Komatsu Group which produces components for heavy equipments such as dozer, tractor, loader, backhoe or excavator. A portion of KUI's production is absorbed by PT United Tractors Tbk, subsidiary of Astra Group, and some others are exported.

During the visit, the PresUniv team led by Dr-Ing. Erwin Sitompul, ST, MSc., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, was accepted by Aria Setyo, Director of Administration Department, and Deputy General Manager, General Manager and managers in KUI.

During the visit, Aria Setyo explained a glimpse of KUI's history, the products they produce, consumer profiles, including the business competition they face. "Now the market of heavy equipment in Indonesia increasingly crowded. In the past there may have been only two brands, now the products come from various countries, including China. So the business competition is also getting heavier, "said Aria.

While at KUI, the PresUniv team had the opportunity to visit a factory area of ??more than 70,000 square meters and located in Jababeka Industrial Estate, Cikarang. Aria and his staff at KUI invite PresUniv teams to see everything from steel raw materials, component production process, assembly to training and safety facilities at KUI. "This visit really complement the knowledge of the lecturers, especially in terms of business practices," said Erwin Sitompul.

Cikarang, Indonesia—Kamis (25/1) siang tim dosen dan staf President University (PresUniv) berkunjung ke PT Komatsu Undercarriage Indonesia (KUI). KUI adalah anak usaha Komatsu Group yang memproduksi komponen untuk alat-alat berat seperti dozer, traktor, loader, backhoe atau ekskavator. Sebagian dari produksi KUI diserap oleh PT United Tractors Tbk., anak usaha Grup Astra, dan sebagian lainnya diekspor.

Dalam kunjungan tersebut, tim PresUniv yang dipimpin oleh Dr-Ing. Erwin Sitompul, ST, MSc., Dekan Fakultas Teknik, itu diterima oleh Aria Setyo, Director Administration Department, dan para Deputy General Manager, General Manager dan para manajer di lingkungan KUI.

Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Aria Setyo memaparkan sekilas sejarah KUI, produk-produk yang mereka hasilkan, profil konsumen, termasuk persaingan bisnis yang mereka hadapi. “Sekarang pasar alat-alat berat di Indonesia semakin ramai. Kalau dulu mungkin hanya ada dua merek, sekarang produknya datang dari berbagai negara, termasuk China. Jadi persaingan bisnis juga semakin berat,” kata Aria.

Selama di KUI, tim PresUniv berkesempatan untuk meninjau area pabrik yang seluas lebih dari 70.000 meter persegi dan terletak di Kawasan Industri Jababeka, Cikarang. Aria dan jajarannya di KUI mengajak tim PresUniv untuk melihat mulai dari bahan baku baja, proses produksi komponen, perakitan hingga fasilitas training dan safety di KUI. “Kunjungan ini betul-betul melengkapi pengetahuan para dosen, terutama dari sisi praktek bisnisnya,” ungkap Erwin Sitompul.