Published: 15 Nov 2018

Management Study Program held a seminar titled “Future Business is Sustainable Business” which was held in Charles Himawan Auditorium, President University (15/11). Prof. Drs. Raldi Hendro Koestoer, Ph.D (Profesor School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia) was invited to be the main speaker in the seminar, and attended by the Dean of School of Business, Dr. Maria Jacinta Arquisola, Head of Management Study Program, Dr. Genoveva, and approximately 150 students and lecturers.

Prof. Raldi explained on the development of business which already need to focus on sustainability where the implementation have to concern on the environmental impacts as well.

There was also a question and answer session which enable the students to ask deeper on the topic which also become the end of the seminar.

Program studi Manajemen menyelenggarakan seminar yang bertajuk “Future Business is Sustainable Business” yang diselenggarakan di Charles Himawan Auditorium, President University (15/11). Turut mengundang, Prof. Drs. Raldi Hendro Koestoer, Ph.D (Profesor School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia) yang menjadi narasumber utama dalam seminar tersebut, dan dihadiri oleh Dekan Fakultas Bisnis, Dr. Maria Jacinta Arquisola, Ketua Program Studi Manajemen, Dr. Genoveva, dan setidaknya 150 mahasiswa dan dosen.

Prof. Raldi menjelaskan mengenai perkembangan bisnis yang sudah harus mengarah ke bisnis yang berkelanjutan dimana dalam pelaksanaannya haruslah memikirkan mengenai dampak yang dihasilkan terhadap lingkungan.

Terdapat pula sesi tanya jawab yang memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk bertanya lebih dalam mengenai pembahasan tersebut yang mengakhiri seminar.