Published: 14 Sep 2018

President University expanded its international cooperation by signing an agreement with the University of Dundee, Scotland on Tuesday (12/9) at the President University campus. The agreement was signed by the Head of Law Study Program, Zenny Rezania Dewantary, S.H, M.Hum, and Prof. Raphael Heffron (Professor for Global Energy Law & Sustainability). The collaboration includes scholarships for Masters and Doctoral degrees at the University of Dundee for President University students and alumni.

Prospective scholarship recipients will be selected with a selection from the President University and the University of Dundee and must have academic excellence as well as good English skills.

On the same day, there was a lecture session by Prof. Raphael Heffron, titled "Energy Law: Policy, Regulation, and Trends". Energy transition is currently taking place because essentially the world wants to change. One of the reasons is because CO2 from the energy sector causes global problems (for example health and economies), and as such, countries are working hand in hand to resolve the matter through, for instance, agreeing on the Paris COP21 Agreement of 2015.

“This collaboration is a good opportunity for law school students to continue to pursue higher education in the University of Dundee, especially in the field of energy law. Hopefully, the implementation will run smoothly and could maintain a good relationship between both universities,” said Zenny.

The event closed by the handover token of appreciation and a group picture with the students.

President University kembali memperluas kerja sama internasionalnya dengan menanda tangani kesepakatan dengan Dundee Univesity, Skotlandia pada Selasa (12/9) di kampus President University. Kesepakatan itu ditanda tangani oleh Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Zenny Rezania Dewantary, S.H, M.Hum, dan Prof. Raphael Heffron (Professor for Global Energy Law & Sustainability). Kerja sama tersebut meliputi beasiswa untuk jenjang S2 dan Doktoral di University of Dundee bagi para mahasiswa dan alumni President University.

Calon penerima beasiswa akan dipilih dengan seleksi dari pihak President University dan University of Dundee dan harus memiliki nilai akademik juga kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik.

Dalam acara tersebut, terdapat sesi kuliah umum oleh Prof. Raphael Heffron yang bertajuk “Energy Law: Policy, Regulation, and Trends”. Ia menyampaikan bahwa sekarang tengah terjadi transisi energi yang disebabkan oleh dunia yang sejatinya menginginkan perubahan, salah satunya karena CO2 dari sektor energi menyebabkan masalah global seperti kesehatan dan ekonomi. Negara-negara saling membahu untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut diantaranya melalui Perjanjian Paris COP21 tahun 2015.

“Kerja sama ini adalah kesempatan yang baik bagi mahasiswa Law School President University untuk melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi di University of Dundee, khususnya di bidang energy law. Semoga pelaksanannya berjalan lancar dan hubungan baik antara President University dengan University of Dundee bisa makin erat,” ungkap Zenny.

Acara ditutup dengan penyerahan token apresiasi dan foto bersama dengan mahasiswa.