Published: 17 May 2018

Not only government, many private companies are also actively developing various regions in Indonesia, from building infrastructure, industries, factories, central offices and residential areas. These various developments in various areas show that there is always a need for civil engineering experts.

The need for civil engineering experts in Indonesia is one of the reasons for President University to open Civil Engineering Study Program. "Officially commenced in November 2017, Civil Engineering Study Program of President University operates as stated in Surat Keputusan Menristek Dikbud Number 645/OPT/I/2017," said Roselina Rahmawati S.ST., M.T., Head of Civil Engineering Program Study.

As we know, civil engineering is a science that teaches technology design, construction, maintenance, building renovation and public facilities. The work results of civil engineering expert are houses, hospitals, schools, roads, bridges, dams, industries and so on.

According to Roselina, one of the advantages of studying Civil Engineering at President University is that the skills of its graduates are not only applicable to build a commercial building. “The knowledge and skills of students of Civil Engineering At President University will also be applicable for building industrial or business area supported by infrastructure facilities,” said Roseline.

Some prominent subjects taught are Infrastructure Construction, Traffic Management, Highway Engineering and many more. Specifically in Infrastructure Transportation will also cover Transportation System, Railway Engineering, Transportation Infrastructure, Traffic Engineering, Pavement Engineering and Digital System Transportation.

For further information about Study Program of Civil Engineering, please visit:

Image source: (Afonso Lima)

Tidak hanya oleh pemerintah, banyak perusahaan swasta juga aktif membangun di berbagai daerah di Indonesia.  Mulai dari membangun sarana infrastruktur, kawasan industri, pabrik, pusat perkantoran dan wilayah perumahan. Pembangunan yang terus berjalan menunjukkan bahwa akan selalu ada kebutuhan tenaga ahli teknik sipil.

Kebutuhan tenaga ahli teknil sipil di Indonesia, menjadi salah satu alasan President University untuk membuka Program Studi Teknik Sipil. “Secara resmi mulai November 2017, Program Studi Teknik Sipil President University beroperasi seperti tertuang dalam Surat Keputusan Menristek Dikbud Nomor 645/KPT/I/2017,” jelas Roselina Rahmawati S.ST., M.T, Kepala Program Studi Teknik Sipil.

Seperti diketahui bersama Teknik Sipil merupakan ilmu yang mengajarkan teknologi perancangan, pembangunan, pemeliharaan, renovasi bangunan dan fasilitas umum.  Hasil karya ahli teknik sipil antara lain: rumah, ruko, rumah sakit, sekolah, jalan raya, jembatan, bendungan, kawasan industri dan sebagainya.

Menurut Roseline, salah satu keunggulan belajar di Teknik Sipil di President University adalah keahlian lulusan yang dihasilkan tidak sekedar hanya mampu membangun gedung ruko. “Pengetahuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa Teknik Sipil President University mampu untuk membangun sebuah kawasan kawasan bisnis atau industri yang ditunjang dengan fasilitas infrastruktur,” jelas Roseline. 

Beberapa mata kuliah unggulan yang diajarkan adalah Pembangunan Infrastruktur, Manajemen Traffic, Highway Engineering dan masih banyak lagi. Khusus di konsentrasi Infrastructure Transportation akan mendapatkan mata kuliah: Transportation System, Railway Engineering, Transportation Infrastructure, Traffic Engineering, Pavement Engineering dan Digital System of Transportation.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Program Studi Teknik Sipil dapat mengunjungi:

Sumber foto: (Afonso Lima)