Published: 15 Dec 2017

"Wow... oh,... hiii." That is the response of some President University’s students and lecturers from Business Administration Studi Programme and Faculty of Engineering when taking guest lecture themed Disruption: Threat or Opportunity at auditorium Wisma Subiyanto, head office of PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP) Tbk., TB Simatupang street, Jakarta. The guest lecture was delivered by Hadjar Seti Adji, Senior Vice President Strategic Planning, Research & Engineering PT PP Tbk., on Thursday (14/12).

Disruption become phenomenon in our society lately, especially along with the rise of application-based transportation services and e-commerce. In fact, disruption issue has been discussed by Clayton Christensen, a professor at Harvard Business School, United States, since 1997 or 20 years ago.

Hadjar explained, "There are two innovations: sustaining and disruptive. Sustaining innovation does not kill incumbent or old products. For example, the existence of smartphone with 50 megapixels (MP) camera does not kill smartphone with 5 MP camera. Meanwhile, disruptive innovation really kills the incumbent or old product. For example, digital cameras that kill film-based cameras."

Furthermore, he also revealed the innovations that potentially disrupt PP business, one of the examples is 3D printer. In his guest lecture, Hadjar shared how the PP changed the threat of disruption to become a new business opportunity for the company.

“Wow... aduh,... hiii.” Itulah seruan dan desah sebagian mahasiswa dan dosen President University dari Program Studi Business Administration dan Fakultas Teknik ketika mengikuti kuliah tamu bertema Disruption: Threat or Opportunity di auditorium Wisma Subiyanto, kantor pusat PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP) Tbk., di Jl. TB Simatupang, Jakarta. Kuliah tamu tersebut disampaikan oleh Hadjar Seti Adji, Senior Vice President Perencanaan Strategis, Riset & Teknik PT PP Tbk., Kamis (14/12).

Disruption memang tengah menjadi fenomena di masyarakat kita belakangan ini, terutama seiring dengan maraknya layanan transportasi berbasis aplikasi dan e-commerce. Padahal, isu disruption sudah dibahas oleh Clayton Christensen, seorang profesor di Harvard Business School, Amerika Serikat, sejak tahun 1997 atau 20 tahun silam.

Hadjar memaparkan, “Inovasi itu ada dua: sustaining dan disruptive. Inovasi yang sustaining tidak membunuh pemain atau produk lama. Contohnya, ada smartphone dengan kamera yang 50 megapixels (MP), tapi tidak membunuh smartphone dengan kamera 5 MP. Sementara, disruptive innovation betul-betul membunuh pemain atau produk lama. Contohnya, kamera digital yang membunuh kamera berbasis film.”

Lalu, dia juga mengungkapkan adanya inovasi yang berpotensi mendisrupsi bisnis PP. Di antaranya, printer 3D. Dalam kuliah tamunya, Hadjar berbagi kisah tentang bagaimana PP mengubah ancaman disrupsi agar justru menjadi peluang bisnis baru bagi perusahaan.