Published: 30 Nov 2017

President University, Cikarang – Rene Suhardono Canoneo (Rene) a famous career coach and founder of CareerCoach and Impact Factory visited President University (PresUniv) on Wednesday (29/11). He had a speech in a session with a topic on ‘How Our Presence and Actions Could Impact’. Approximately 50 student representatives from President University Student Council (PUSC), President University Major Association (PUMA), and Class Managers attended the event. This event was conducted by ICC, Academic Bureau, and Student Affairs of President University as a form of gratitude for the student representatives, for their contributions to the university.

Rene started the session with a statement, ‘people are lost not because they don’t know where to go, but because they don’t know who and where they are’. He then added that life is not only about achieving happiness. Happiness, according to him, is at the very bottom of the pyramid.

“There are some stages of pursuit in life: pursuit of happiness, pursuit of acceptance, pursuit of popularity, pursuit of prestige, pursuit of money, pursuit of excellence, pursuit of impact, and finally, pursuit of truth,” said Rene.

The students who attended the event were really enthusiastic in the Q&A session, asking some questions on how to be in the right path, how to identify oneself, how to convince others on our life’s calling, etc.

JB Susetiyo, who is also known as JBS, Director of ICC, admitted has known Rene for some years and knew that Rene has a passion to inspire young generation so their presence could impact the society. He also added that the topic about impact was chosen because for him, a person would be great if his/her presence and actions could bring benefits for others.

“I do hope that what Rene delivered could inspire these students. To let them have a destination, to know what do they want to achieve and how to do so—which through the right way,” said JBS.

Rene Suhardono Berbicara di President University: Kebahagiaan Berada di Dasar Piramida Kehidupan

President University, Cikarang Rene Suhardono Canoneo, founder dari CareerCoach dan Impact Factory, berbagi pengalaman kepada mahasiswa President University (PresUniv), Rabu (29/11). Ia berbicara di sebuah sesi dengan topik ‘Bagaimana Agar Kehadiran dan Karya Kita Memberi Dampak’. Sekitar 50 perwakilan mahasiswa dari President University Student Council (PUSC), President University Major Association (PUMA), dan manajer kelas menghadiri acara ini. Acara ini dilaksanakan oleh Internship and Career Center (ICC), Biro Akademik, dan Kemahasiswaan President University sebagai bentuk terima kasih kepada para perwakilan mahasiswa untuk kontribusi mereka kepada universitas.

Rene memulai sesinya dengan sebuah pernyataan bahwa orang tersesat bukan karena mereka tidak tahu mau ke mana, namun karena mereka tidak tahu siapa mereka dan di mana mereka berada. Ia kemudian menambahkan bahwa kehidupan tidak hanya tentang menggapai kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan, menurutnya, berada di dasar piramida kehidupan.

“Ada beberapa tingkat yang dikejar dalam hidup: mengejar kebahagiaan, mengejar penerimaan, mengejar popularitas, mengejar kemewahan, mengejar uang, mengejar keunggulan, mengejar dampak, dan terakhir, mengejar kebenaran,” ujar Rene.

Para mahasiswa yang menghadiri acara tersebut sangat antusias selama sesi tanya jawab, menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan tentang bagaimana untuk berada di jalan yang tepat, bagaimana untuk mengidentifikasi diri sendiri, bagaimana meyakinkan orang akan panggilan hidup kita, dan lain-lain.

JB Susetiyo, yang biasa disapa JBS, Direktur ICC, mengakui sudah mengenal Rene sejak lama dan tahu bahwa ia memiliki passion untuk memberikan inspirasi pada generasi muda agar keberadaan mereka dapat memberi dampak bagi masyarakat. Ia juga menambahkan bahwa topik tentang dampak ini dipilih karena baginya, seseorang yang hebat adalah orang yang kehadiran dan karyanya dapat bermanfaat bagi orang orang lain, apalagi bagi masyarakat.

“Saya berharap agar apa yang telah disampaikan dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi para mahasiswa. Membuat mereka memiliki sebuah ‘destinasi’, tahu apa yang mereka mau capai, dan cara mencapainya—yakni lewat jalan yang benar,” ungkap JBS.